Chapter Eight

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Scorpio walked down the halls by himself. He had gotten up early this morning, got dressed, and left the tower before any of the others had woken up. He desperately wanted to avoid the others, especially now that he didn't know who to trust.

He made his way slowly through the halls and stood by the doors of the great hall. He watched as people went into the hall. Moving slowly with half-lidded eyes.

"Hello," a soft feminine voice said behind him, making him jump and turn around. "The things we have lost always have a way of coming back to us, don't they, Scorpio," She said, her voice soft, almost whispering.

"Luna, how..." Then he remembered, this was Luna after all. "How are you?" He asked, happy to see one of the few friends he had.

"I'm doing fine. The Nargles think today is a day to be filled with exasperations," she said before walking away and into the Hall, leaving Scorpio to wonder what she meant.

A few minutes later, Draco and his group walked by, all of them sneering at him, beside Draco, who stopped and indicated for his friends to go on without him. They hesitated for a bit and started to say something, but Draco hissed something at them and they glared at Scorpio before going into the Hall.

Just as the door closed, Draco rushed over and wrapped his arms around Scorpio. "Good morning, Brother," he mumbled, and Scorpio chuckled. He had learned over the past few days that Draco hated mornings. He had also learned that Draco was a hugger/snuggler. They had spent nights in the library this week doing homework, and Draco had fallen asleep on him. He had to bring him back to his dorm, which was hard with a baby koala clinging to you.

"Morning, Baby Dragon," Scorpio said, returning the hug. They pulled apart, and he ruffled Draco's hair, making him pout.

"Don't touch the hair," Draco said as he fixed his hair. "I sent the letter to Dad this morning. I asked him to tell Uncle Sev, too. He's more likely to agree if Dad asks him," Draco informed.

"Good, go get you some breakfast," Scorpio said, pushing Draco towards the door.

"What about you? Aren't you going to eat?" Draco asked, looking back at him.

"I'm fine, I'll eat lunch. I'm going to go to finish some homework," Scorpio said, waving as he walked off leaving Draco behind.

Draco shook his head, he had noticed Scorpio's eating habits. Draco headed into the Great Hall to eat.


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Word count: 417

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 7:30 am

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