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Scorpio, Tom, and Severus sat in their bed. Severus was between Tom's legs, and Scorpio was lying beside them. Scorpio's eyes were closed as Severus ran his hand through his hair.

Severus suddenly sat up and winced, "Are you alright, love?" Tom asked, and Scorpio opened his eyes and looked up at them.

"I'm fine; I just have to pee," Severus replied. Climbing out of the bed, he stood and suddenly doubled over in pain. Tom quickly grabbed him and steadied him on his feet as Severus' pants became wet and water gathered at his feet.

"I think his water just broke," Scorpio said, jumping off the bed and helping Severus to lie down. "Tom, go get the mediwitch," he instructed and Tom rushed out of the room.

Scorpio sat beside his mate and helped him take off his pants. "Breath, My Prince," he told him, and Severus gritted his teeth.

Tom came back with the mediwitch and she got to work making sure Severus was ready. "He's ready to push, Severus, I need you to push." She told Severus, and the potion master screamed as he pushed.

⌚🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕Time Skip🕕🕔🕓🕒🕑🕐⌚

Severus collapsed back onto the bed and closed his eyes, as a tiny cry filled the room. He ignored the noise around him.

He opened his eyes as the bed dipped beside him, looking up at Scorpio, then at the blue bundle in his arms. "He's perfect," Scorpio whispered, and Tom helped him into a sitting position and piled pillows behind him.

He stretched out his hands and Scorpio handed him the baby. He held the baby close and smiled down at him. He reached out his pinkie and placed it in his son's tiny hand which immediately clamped around his.

"You did well," Tom said, kissing his forehead.

"Have you guys come up with a name?" The mediwitch asked after she finished cleaning up.

"Yes, his name is Abrax Lucius Drago Slytherin."


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Word count: 311

Re-published: May 4, 2024,  8:30 pm

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