Chapter Fourteen

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Harry spent the weekend at Riddle Manor with Lucius, Draco, Tom, and Severus. He learned that Draco got his inheritance this year, too, and that he was a Veela, and his Mate was Viktor Krum, who was a werewolf. They had also gone to Gringotts and got the potions and blocks removed from Lucius, who has over seventy oblivation spells cast on him and compulsion and memory charms, along with several other potions. After seeing Lucius's list, they decided to check Draco and the others too. They all had a few blocks and potions on them but nothing as severe as Lucius.

Sunday night they floo'd back to Hogwarts an hour before dinner. Draco went to his dorm while Scorpio and Snape stayed behind in his quarters. Scorpio sat on the black leather couch in front of the fire and closed his eyes. He did not want to go back to his dorm to face the blood traitor and Mud-blood.

He kept his trunk and belongings in Draco's room, where he slept most nights, seeing as Draco didn't have to share, being a Malfoy and all. But he kept his old trunk with his very little stuff in the Gryffindor tower so as not to raise suspicion.

He felt the couch dip beside him and the sweet smell of his mate surrounded him. He had learned that both Tom and Severus were Vampires over the weekend. "Are you OK?" His mate asked, he felt long fingers running through his hair and sighed.

"I am just biding time until I have to go back to the tower," Scorpio said softly, opening his eyes to look at the deep Onyx eyes. " I wish I could just hex them all,"

Severus huffed and scooted closer. "As much as I would love to see the know-it-all and redhead get what they deserve, that would ruin our plans," He said, pressing a kiss to Scorpio's temple.

Scorpio had the idea of turning Granger into a book and throwing it into the black lake. And turning the Weasley into exactly what he was, a weasel.

"You could stay here," Severus suggested, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be in your way," Scorpio said and Severus nodded.

"You can stay here as long as you need; you won't be in my way. Though I have to go make some potions for Poppy right now before I go to dinner. So, I'll be back to collect you before then," Severus said, standing and making his way to his potion lab.

Scorpio sat there for a minute before standing and making his way into the kitchen. He snooped around and saw that it was well stocked and decided to cook dinner for his mate instead of going to the hall.

Forty minutes later, the kitchen smelled wonderful and Scorpio turned off the stove and shared the food. He found a half bottle of wine and poured some for both of them before placing the food on the table he set out. Standing back he admired his work before going to knock on the lab door. It opened a few seconds later to reveal Snape.

"Hey, my...what is that smell?" He asked, looking down at Scorpio.

"I made us dinner," Scorpio said, taking Snape's hand and leading him to the kitchen. At the entrance, his mate paused and looked at the beautifully laid-out table in front of him.

"You did this for me?" Snape asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course, I did, my prince. I thought you would like it more than going to the Great Hall to eat," Scorpio said, pulling Severus to the table and sitting him down, before taking his own seat.

They took the first bite of food, and Snape moaned, making Scorpio stiffen. "This is absolutely delicious. I had no idea you could cook like this," he said, taking another bite and moaning again.

Scorpio reached down and adjusted himself while smiling at Snape. "I'm glad you like it, my prince,"


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Word count: 660

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 10:30 am

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