Chapter Nine

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It was lunch and Scorpio had to say he regretted skipping breakfast. He was walking down the Hall when he smelt the most intoxicating scent ever. Pausing, he sniffed, looking around, there were other people in the hall, but he could tell the scent wasn't coming from any of them. He walked down the hall following the scent. He made it through the crowd just in time to see the tail of a robe disappear around the corner.

Scorpio rushed after the person, he turned the corner but the hall was empty. It was like the person disappeared into thin air along with the scent. Sighing sadly, he made his way to the great hall and sat at the Gryffindor table. Just as the food appeared Ron and Hermione showed up, sandwiching him in between them.

Scorpio ignored their talking and focused on eating his lunch; halfway through his meal, Ron was roughly shoved over and his place taken by a different redhead, only this one had boobs.

"Hey babe, I haven't seen you since we got back," Ginny said, she held on to Scorpio's arms and pushed her boobs up against him.

Scorpio sighed and pulled his arms away from her. "Ginny, please refrain from touching me," He said, moving away from her and closer to Hermione.

Ginny laughed and moved closer to him. He briefly looked away from her and then looked back to see her pour something into his cup and put a vial back in her robe.

"Ginny," He said, his voice tight.

"Yes, Harry," Ginny chirped, fluttering her eyelashes at him and Scorpio felt like he was going to throw up.

"What did you put in my drink?" Harry asked, clenching his fist.

Ginny paused and opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"Come on, Mate," Ron chimed, his mouth full of chicken. "Ginny wouldn't put anything in your drink," He defended.

And Scorpio snorted, "I saw her, Ron," He sneered at the redhead.

"Harry, you can't just accuse someone of that sort of thing," Hermione chimed in.

"Ooh, shove off," Scorpio yelled at her and the whole hall went quiet. Everyone was looking at them and Scorpio growled softly before standing up and stalking out of the hall.

#Stupid human, Master, let me bite her,# Asmodeus hissed from where he was around Scorpio's wrist like a bracelet. He stayed there in a deep sleep until he went off to hunt or just to roam.

He walked down the halls and wanted the dungeons. He made his way to Draco's room and flopped down on the bed. A few feet minutes later, the door opened and a body lay crossway over him.

"You know I could just hex them for you?" The body asked, and Scorpio snorted.

"As much as I appreciate you trying to look out for me," Scorpio said, rolling onto his back and knocking Draco off beside him. I don't want you getting in trouble. Besides, you're a Malfoy, don't stoop to their level," he said, and Draco huffed and pulled something out of his robes.

"I brought you a Treacle tart," He said, handing the treat to Scorpio before pulling out a green apple and taking a bite.

"I have a free period, want to take a walk down to the lake?" Draco asked, and Scorpio nodded, with his cheeks filled with the tart. Draco shook his head and they exited the room.


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Word count: 555

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 8 am

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