Chapter Twenty-Three

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The next day, Scorpio was in double portions before lunch, he wasn't doing much work. He was simply just watching his mate teaching the class from where he sat beside Draco in the back of the class, who was just snickering at him.

He watched as Severus walked around the room, inspecting the other students' potions. "My scorpion, are you just going to sit there and watch me?" Severus whispered in his ear and Scorpio shivered.

", I'm doing work, right Draco?" Scorpio said.

"Sure, tons of work," Draco replied sarcastically and Scorpio pouted.

"Don't pout, love, or I'll do things to you right here," Severus said, and Scorpio blushed bright red; Severus chuckled and quickly kissed Scorpio's neck before stepping away.

Just then, a house elf popped up and handed Scorpio a note before disappearing. Scorpio frowned, knowing exactly who it was from.


Please come to my office before lunch, the password is. Skittles.


"I give you one guess what he wants to talk about," Scorpio said, before crumpling the paper and putting it in his pocket.

Class ended and Scorpio slowly made his way up to the old goat's office.

"Skittles," he said, and the Gargoyle moved to reveal the spiral staircase. Scorpio climbed them to the headmaster's office, and before he could knock, a voice from inside yelled for him to come in.

"Harry, my boy," Dumbledore said, with that stupid twinkle in his eyes. "Take a seat,"

Scorpio sat and glared slightly at the man. "What have you called me here for, headmaster?" He asked.

"Harry, I have received some disturbing news from your friends, Harry; they told me you have been hanging out with Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore said.

"And what friends told you this?" Scorpio asked, already knowing.

"Why Hermione and Ronald, they are worried about you Harry, we all are. Hanging around with Mr. Malfoy can't be good. He has altered your mind, Harry, we can help you," Dumbledore said, trying to sound caring and encouraging.

"Right," Scorpio said, patience wearing thin. "I appreciate the concern, Headmaster. But those two are not my friends. And I would appreciate it if you stop calling me to your office for your silly nonsense, you are interrupting my education," Scorpio said, standing from his seat and heading out of the office.

He went to the R.O.R., where he met with Draco and Luna. "What did the old goat want?" Draco asked.

"The know-it-all and blood-traitors told him I have been hanging out with you; he says he can help me because you altered my mind," Scorpio said, with a roll of his eyes. He sat down and got one of the house elves to bring lunch for him to enjoy with his friends.


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Word count: 439

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 3 pm

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