Chapter Four

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He went to Ollivander's wand shop. When he entered, the bell over the door went off.

"Hello, Mr. Potter or should I say Malfoy," Ollivander said when he saw Harry, shocking the young Malfoy.

"You know who I am?" He asked, shocked.

"Indeed, I do. I could sense something was off about you the first time you came in here," Ollivander said, nodding.

"Well, I am here to get a new wand," Harry told him and was led to the back of the shop.

"These are the solids and liquid and wood, just wave your hand over it and choose the one that your magic reacts to the most," Olivander told him. Scorpio did as told and chose. When he was done the elderly man came up beside him. "Mr. Malfoy, I must say your wand will be very powerful. The most powerful wand I have ever made, more powerful than the elder wand itself" The man said, leading Scorpio back to the front of the shop. "It shall be ready in an hour," The wandmaker informed him as Harry left the store and headed back to the Trunk shop.

He paid for his trunk and set a password in parseltongue so no one else could know it. After that, he bought himself some new shirts, socks, shoes, and pants and placed them all in his new trunk.

He was walking back to the wand shop when he felt a pull, pausing in his tracks. Scorpio followed it until he came to a pet store. Going in he went over to the snakes where the pill was strongest. There he spotted a black snake with red eyes.

"That's an Inland Taipan," the storekeeper said, coming up behind Scorpio. But he didn't take his eyes off the snake in front of him. He slowly reached up and took the lid of the cage. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. He has a bad habit of trying to bite people," The keeper said.

#You won't bite me, would you?# Scorpio hissed, and the snake lifted its head and looked at him.

#I would never hurt a speaker,# The snake hissed back.

#Would you like to come home with me?# Harry asked.

#I would be honored,# The red-eyed snake replied to Scorpio, stuck his hand into the cage, and the snake slithered up his hand and around his neck.

#I hope you get along with Hedwig, my snowy owl. And no you can't eat her,# Harry said as he saw the look on the snake's face.

He turned and looked at the shocked shopkeeper and smirked. "How much?" He asked.

"He's yours, free of charge," the shopkeeper said, and Scorpio smiled and exited the shop. He went to Ollivanders and collected his new wand, then to the bookstore and filled out his library, and finally to the Leaky Cauldron to rent a room.


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Word count: 467

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 5:30 am

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