Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Is everything in place?" Lucius asked as he came up behind Scorpio with William.

"Yes, Sirius is better. He remembers everything and I already set up the wards. Once everyone is in. Their magic will stop working and only those who are keyed into the wards use theirs," Scorpio informed them.

They headed to the ballroom, where the guest was set to arrive any minute. Scorpio made his way to the room by the ballroom. It wasn't used much; it just had a couch and a table, and now he waited for his cue.

About an hour later, a house-elf informed him that the last of the guests had arrived and that he could enter now. Putting on his glamor, he checked his clothes and exited the room. He made his way to the ballroom and paused outside the door. Taking a deep breath, he used his magic to swing the doors open loudly, making sure to draw attention to himself.

"Is that Harry Potter?"

"What's he doing at Malfoy Manor?"

"Is he here to defeat the dark lord?"

He made his way to the punch table, casually picking up a glass and spooning some punch into it. He turned around and saw half the room looking at him in shock and his family looking at him in amusement.

He took a sip of his punch and watched as everyone went back to their conversation, or still stared at him. He walked around the room, watching the redhead family who had yet to notice him in all the excitement.

He watched as they walked over to Sirius and started having a serious conversation with him, and from the look on his face, Scorpio could tell he was confused.

He made his way up behind them listening to their conversation. "You ban us from entering headquarters, don't deny it." Molly hissed at Sirius.

"I did no such thing," Sirius said, and Scorpio smirked.

"He's right; he didn't," he said, standing behind them. The group spun around to look at him and the redheads and frowned at the sight of him before quickly covering it up, but Scorpio didn't miss it.

"Harry, darling, what are you doing here?" Molly asked, as she came over and tried to give him a hug which he quickly dodged.

"Harry, what do you mean, Sirius didn't ban us from headquarters?" Hermione asked.

"Because he didn't; when he went to prison, his Lordship went to his kin," Scorpio said and smirked as a look of confusion came over their faces.

"But Sirius doesn't have children," Arthur said, and the other agreed.

"Well you see, I am his kin," Scorpio said and motioned for Sirius and Remus to follow him. He headed to the raised platform where Tom and Severus sat on their thrones.

As he made his way to them, he saw Dumbledor enter the hall and smirked. He saw the redheads rush toward the older goat and started pointing at him and talking. Albus's eyes widened when he spotted him, and he started walking fast toward Harry. He heard the room grow silent as he got closer to Tom and Severus.

"Potter's going to talk to the dark lord, He's probably going to challenge him."

He heard someone say and shook his head. He climbed onto the platform and made his way toward Severus. When he got to him, Scorpio leaned over and kissed his mate, ignoring the gasps behind him.

"How are you, my Prince?" He asked, and Severus smiled at him.

"I'm fine, just hungry," his mate said with a little pout, and Scorpio chuckled. Then he went over to Tom and kissed him in greeting, sat on his throne, and turned to face the room.

"Harry? What are you doing?" Dumbledore yelled when he finally got out of his shock and continued his approach toward them.


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Word count: 620

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 7:30 pm

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