Chapter Fifteen

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Scorpio sat on the couch at Riddle Manor, cuddled up to Severus, who was reading a book, and petting Asmodeus. It was two hours after lunch, and no one had seen Tom since breakfast.

Frowning Scorpio sat up, "What's wrong, My love?" Severus asked.

"Where is Tom?" He asked curiously.

Severus informed him, "He has been in a meeting with Bella, Crabbe, Goyle Sr, and Fenrir."

"He skipped lunch," Scorpio said.

"He probably ate in his office. He does that a lot," Severus said, still reading his book and Scorpio frowned.

"Missy," he called and there was a small pop indicating the arrival of a house-elf.

"How can Missy help Master's Mate?" The floppy-eared big-eyed creature asked.

"Did Tom eat lunch?" Scorpio asked.

"No Master didn't eat lunch?" Missy said and Scorpio frowned.

"Get me two cucumbers, cream cheese, and mayonnaise sandwiches, and some fruit, erm..." Scorpio paused. "What's Tom's favorite fruit, Severus?" He asked.

"Pineapple and peanut butter," Severus answered.

"Yes, and some juice please," Scorpio requested, and the elf disappeared and reappeared a few minutes later with the food.

Scorpio took the food and stood heading out of the room. "Where are you going?" Severus asked, standing up.

"I'm going to bring Tom some food," Scorpio said.

"Love, Tom....does not like to be disturbed," Severus said.

"We'll just see about that," Scorpio said, walking off. He got to Tom's and conjured up a mask before opening the door. They had decided to keep his identity a secret for now.

He opened the door and Tom looked up as he walked up and placed the tray on his table. "You missed lunch," He said accusingly, and a small frown appeared on Tom's face as he looked up at the clock above the door.

"I am sorry, My Scorpion. But I do not have time to eat," Tom said, turning back to the paper in front of him.

"THOMAS MARVOLO RIDDLE. You will take a break and eat this food," Scorpio snapped, and Tom, along with the rest of the other people in the room, looked up at him surprised. However, Tom hid it well.

"But...I," Tom began, but the glare on Scorpio's face made him stop. "Fine, everyone takes a break," Tom said, and everyone in the room quickly exited.

"You know I don't like being disturbed," Tom said as he picked up one of the sandwiches.

"You need to eat, it is not good for your health to skip meals," Scorpio scolded as Tom took a bite.

"I love these," Tom said, taking another bite.

"I know, that's why I got them for you. Severus told me what your favorite fruit was though," Scorpio said, sitting on the edge of the desk, making sure Tom ate all the food.

"I didn't know you guys knew that," Tom said, as he took the last bite.

"We are your mates, Tom, we noticed," Scorpio said, picking up the tray and kissing Tom. "Now you can go be all bossy, I love you," He said, heading towards the door but was pulled back and kissed.

"I love you too,"


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Word count: 491

Re-published: May 4, 2024, 11 am

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