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Dariyah woke up with the sun shining bright on her. She opened her eyes to see her friends had already woken up. Rishi was making herself a cup of coffee while Lavina was doing her morning workout session.

She looked at her phone to see what's the time and found it to be 8:30 AM. She was impressed that she managed to sleep for more than 3 hours as she usually does. Looks like I am finally improving.

"You're up!" Rishi noticed Dariya sat up and started stretching. The door bell suddenly rang and Rishi gestured Dariyah to open the door since she was nearer to the door. Dariyah groaned lowly before opening the door to see the face she didn't want to see first thing in the morning. Those annoying dimples, eyes and just him.

"Goodmorning Sunshine! The Earth says hello-" Dariyah slammed the door on his face as she wasn't used to this much energy in the morning.

Charles stood still and processed what had just happened. Lando was rolling on the floor as he had witnessed everything in first row seat. "She just slammed the door on you!"

Charles just gave him a glare before ringing the bell again. The door was again opened by an unimpressed Dariyah. "You're grumpy in the morning." Charles noted.

"And you're annoying even in the morning." Dariyah rolled her eyes at him, leaving way for Lando to come in. She gave him a small smile as he smiled at her. "Good morning, Riyah."

"Morning, Lando."

Charles stood flabbergasted, "He gets a greeting and I don't?!"

"Well, he didn't scream like you did when greeting." Dariyah retorted. "What do you want?" Dariyah looked at him, waiting.

"I just wanted to give you a set of clothes since you'll have to shower because of the beach drenching the other night. Here." Charles pouted a little before giving her a set of sweatshirt and trousers.

Dariyah's face fell a bit, feeling guilty for slamming the door on him. "I'm sorry, Charles. I'm just not really a morning person. So, i tend to get a little rude to people for atleast an hour." Dariyah explained. "But you don't have to lend me clothes. I'll just take a shower at my place." She politely gave him back the clothes. "I'll make sure to wash this off and give this back to you as well." She pointed at the other set of clothes he lent last night.

"It's all right. It suits you better anyway." Charles gave her an assuring smile, his eyes lingered a bit on her chest with his number on it. "But you have to take this as well..." Charles was thinking of an excuse that would make Dariyah accept his clothes. "...because you stink!"

Dariyah's cheeks heated up from the comment, she sniffed herself and she did smell but not as bad as he made it to be. "I don't really stink that much?"

"Oh, you do! It's unbearable! So just please take these clothes!" Charles exclaimed quickly not even thinking twice before speaking.

Dariyah's face was almost like a tomato, she felt so embarrassed. She didn't smell that bad, does she? She thought her nose was deceiving her and she did in fact stink. She accepted his clothes without looking at his eyes and just mumbled a thank you before moving away to close the door.

Dariyah stopped as she noted the waiting look on his face. She smiled a bit, "Would you like to come in, Charles?" She leaned towards the door, her head resting by the edge of the door.

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