Twenty-Four | Movie & Cuddles

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I honestly love this chapter, so you all better give me lots of comments or else forget about anymore updates.
*flips hair dramatically*



By the sixth day of not getting my period, I was in total panic mode. Last night, I even told Armano that I wasn't in the mood for any sex. He pouted sadly before making sure I was okay and left me alone.

Honestly, I am sceptical about having any more sex with him. No matter how amazing it is and how much I enjoy it, in the end, I am left feeling hurt because I want more.

I want to cuddle and kiss him softly, not run away from there.

My feelings are conflicting to the point where every time Armano smiles, I feel myself melt.

I labelled it as having a crush on him even though I knew it was more than just a crush but I was scared to label it as something serious.

It was Sunday and I was about to go buy myself a pregnancy test when I felt an ache form in my abdomen followed by the feeling of something trickling out of me.

Please let it be blood and not another set of white discharge or I will fucking cry.

I swiped a piece of toilet paper over my entrance and sighed in relief when it came out red.

Thank fuck.

After putting in a tampon and changing into comfortable pyjamas, I settled on the bed with my phone, lying on my side, ready to spend the whole day there.

A smile formed on my face when I went into my phone's gallery I saw the selfie that Armano took when we were on the trip or more like he snatched my phone and took it, his hand around my waist to hold me from moving, a toothy grin on his face as usual.

It wasn't a perfect picture because I was saying something to him or I was kind of scolding him and he glanced at me, still grinning, unaffected by my words.

I didn't pay attention to it before but watching it now, my breath hitched when I noticed how he looked at me, eyes full of adoration and something else mixed in it, an almost dreamy look.

Oh. Could it be possible that he also feels what I feel?

Or maybe I am imagining things. I closed the gallery and opened Instagram instead to pass my time.

Five minutes later, the door to my room swung open. "" Armano sang my name stepping inside the room.

God, he was cute. "Yes?"

"Nothing", he replied. "I was getting bored so I thought of troubling you."

He was getting bored a lot these days. Every time he approached me other than for sex, he said the same thing 'I was getting bored'.

"There will be no sex for the next few days", I told him just so he won't be expecting it tonight. "I started with my period."

He walked closer to me, stopping beside me. "Oh. I don't mind the blood though."

"But I do. I am not comfortable with doing all that during this."

He nodded. "Whatever you want, ma'am."

Hearing him call me ma'am made me flustered and I bit my lips to stop myself from smiling like crazy.

He crouched down in front of me, his fingers finding my hair as he gently stroked it. "Are you in pain?"

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