Bonus Chapter | Two

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My mind kept repeating that moment where Zaire kissed my forehead. I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I know it meant nothing, just a simple sign of platonic affection but my stupid heart just can't stop wondering if it meant something else--

I need to stop this madness. Stop pining after a man who is forbidden to me.

He is my cousin for fuck's sake. I shouldn't even be having such thoughts about him.

"Looking for someone?"

I didn't realise I was searching the room until Celestine pointed it out. She had hosted a get together at her house and I was anticipating the presence of a particular cousin of mine for whom I have weird feelings.

" Zayden and Zaire not coming?"

Cel was breastfeeding her one month old son, Azher as she replied, "Zayden won't make it, he has a date with Bella. As for Zaire, he should be here soon. Why?"

"Nothing, just wondering."

I changed the topic to Azher as we both gushed over his cuteness.

Others soon arrived except Zaire making me feel disappointed. I wanted to see him, talk to him. Just one more time before I throw these feelings away.

Just one more time. That's what I keep telling myself all the damn time.

"Missed me, my dear cousins?" His deep, smooth voice floated across the room as I was busy with my phone.

My heart skipped a beat, my head snapping up at him.

He seemed to come here straight from work, dressed in a black suit, hands stuffed inside his pockets as he glanced around at everyone with a slight smirk on his face.

I really admire his 'I don't give a fuck' attitude, I wish I could be like that.

I was so busy staring at him, lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realise he had approached me, standing infront of me with his head cocked. "You okay?"

"Y-yeah. Of course, I am."

"Hmm..." He leaned down, a playful smile on his lips. "I thought I had blinded you with my charms, had to check."

A chuckle bubbled out of my mouth at his confidence and I gently pushed him away as at the same time, my cheeks heated. "Stop being so arrogant."

"Arrogant? I prefer the word self-awareness."

I shook my head, stepping away from him. "Sure."

"Wait." He caught my wrist, pulling me back, way too close for casual. "I brought you something."

Thankfully, others had went away to the dining room so it was just us. There was nothing wrong with two cousins to be talking but with my conflicting feelings, every word I shared with Zaire felt like a crime.

"What for?" I asked, glancing down as he reached into his suit jacket to pull out a small jewellery box.

He shrugged. "I was buying a gift for Cel, she sort of told me to not come here empty handed and I saw this which reminded me of you for some reason so I had to buy it."

He released my wrist to open the box, inside there was a pair of small earrings, in the shape of a blooming flower, made out of pinkish diamond.

"Wow, it's beautiful but you didn't have to buy something so expensive. It's not even my birthday."

"So what? It's not like it made me go bankrupt. Now, put it on and show me, Ada."

"Only you can order someone to accept a random, expensive ass gift." I teased as I took the box from him, taking out the earrings carefully.

Unwritten Rule [The Ludovicas: Second Generation Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now