Hello again

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Hi, welcome back lol. This is my second aro/ace book because my first one got too full. If you're new here, I rant a lot. I write some short stories and I do a fair amount of poems, all relating to my experience in being aroace.

In my last book I ranted a ton about a show that shall not be named- and hopefully those rants stay over there. I may still mention the show because my favorite character from the show is my favorite character ever- I adore him and I head canon him as aromantic. So if I mention the show at all hopefully it's just my delusional aromantic headcanon.

Anyways I have a poem to share today. I originally wrote it to get into one of my original characters heads more and really get to know her (she's aromantic 💚) and I was gonna go on to write a big long poem but I only did one stanza but it works for me too and is aro coded so I thought I'd share it.

My best friend was like a golden star
We promised each other we'd never be far
Us to the very end, ride or die from now till forever
Yet deep inside me, a fear lives
That forever is limited
And he'll give his heart to someone else,
Leaving nothing left for me

So basically, my character Rue, is aromantic romance repulsed and she's afraid of her best friend James leaving her eventually for romantic love.

Idk. I love Rue so much and I can't wait to share the story I'm writing one day- I plan to actually publish it someday and I'm so excited. It has lots of aro coded moments, the main characters are both aromantic, and there's just a lot of platonic love in it and I can't wait.

So yeah. That's about all I have for today. Thanks so much for listening and I'm wishing you all the very best, have an amazing day/night. Take care 💚💜

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