Opposite genders being besties

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It actually makes me so sad that people really do cut off their best friend of the opposite gender after getting into a romantic relationship especially boys cutting off their girl best friend because they got a girlfriend and their girlfriend is the o e that told them/made them.

Like I get anxiety and jealousy is a thing but it shouldn't be used to destroy friendships for their romantic partner. If someone has anxiety about their boyfriend/girlfriend having a girl/boy best friend that's a conversation they need to have with their romantic partner to make sure they get the reassurance they need that their partner loves them romantically and their friend platonically.

Notice how I said romantically and platonically and not more. Because every situation is different and sometimes romantic love is more to a person and sometimes platonic love is more to a person, and sometimes they're equal. Whatever the scenario is, it doesn't matter.

It just, I feel so bad for the friends that get cut off. Because it's really not fair. And most of the time it's a girlfriend telling their boyfriend to cut off their girl best friend and I don't know why, like I thought it was a stereotype that girls hated each other. But I'll see all over TikTok about girls telling other girls "we all need to be girls girls and have each others backs and support each other" but then girls will be like "you're trying to steal my boyfriend" like I promise that's not always the case. Sometimes it might be but that why relationship (any and all) need trust.

I wish it was more normalized for opposite genders to be really close and connected and it be platonic/in a friendship kinda way.

And I hate how people will say, will go around telling other people, that your romantic partner always has to be your number one because that who you build your life with.

You can build your life with anyone. You spend your whole life with your siblings. You have a life because of your parents. You love life because of friends.

They're are so many types of people you will meet and relationships you will have, it's not all black and white which one is "more" or "more important" or "your priority"

It's just really annoying and romance culture and ship culture in fandoms is actually getting under my skin, which isn't new I guess. Like just let people live man. Real or fictional because I hate seeing fictional ships that feel so random and are really just being paired together bc both of them don't have a romantic love interest. Unless it's clearly obvious they're looking for a love interest let them be but you guys probably know who I'm talking about if you've read my first rant book and both of them seemed fulfilled with friends. 

Anyways that's all I have to say for right now. Thanks so much for listening, I hope you all have a beautiful day/night. Take care 💚💜

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