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Chapter: 34

Wei Junshan's words were like an Italian cannon, stunned everyone except himself.

Even Lu Mingshi stuttered like never before, "You... you... you... you spit people! When did I do it for you! Shut up!"

Everyone was shocked. What? He only denied that it was for President Wei, but did not deny doing ooxx?

Lu Mingshi really couldn't deny it. Because doing ooxx was personally told to Wei Junshan just now, if he did deny it a second later, it would be exposed immediately. But no matter what, Wei Junshan should not say so directly.

He glanced at Gu Yixin and found that his expression was as usual. Then he sighed in a little refreshment.

Lu Mingshi glared at Wei Junshan and accused, "If you want to say something look at the situation first."


Everyone seemed to understand.

Wei Junshan looked at Gu Yixin and said affectionately, "My dear, don't believe any words he said. What he said is not true, just to deceive your feelings to hurt me. In this world, the only one who treats you sincerely is only me."


Everyone suddenly realized.

From Wei Junshan's generous words, people successfully restored the truth of the matter!

It turned out that this was a heartbroken story. You loved me, I loved him, he loved him... A love triangle. Lu Mingshi loved Wei Junshan deeply. But for Wei Junshan, Lu Mingshi was only his business competitor. In a tit-for-tat reception, Gu Yixinjiu felt bored at home, so he begged Lu Mingshi, who was not interested in him, to take him to the party. To avoid trouble, Lu Mingshi agreed.

Then everyone knew what happened later.

Wei Junshan fell in love with Gu Yixin at first sight, but Lu Mingshi noticed it. So Lu Mingshi acted first and took advantage of Gu Yixin's true feelings to revenge Wei Junshan's ruthlessness!

What. How could this story seem to have been heard somewhere?

At this moment, Lu Mingshi turned to Gu Yixin and asked without hesitation, "Do you believe him or me?"

Everyone quietly pricked their ears.

This was the most popular form of entertainment for the people: Tore the scene.


The development of reality was too rapid. The front desk girl who was originally sinking into the president vs. president model had been already attracted attention by the overly exciting plot.

Now, the CP that she stood was faltering. Although the duo presidents were very cute, Mr. Lu and the childhood sweetheart Xiǎo Gu were also not bad. With the label of deep sadomasochism, it was exactly a classic scumbag. If someday President Wei was infatuated with the beautiful woman, Xiao Gu would turn over after woke up to reality and left the scum. Did it mean that heaven more prefer to the bamboo horse*?
*the childhood sweetheart.

Sure enough, novels were derived from reality!


When Gu Yixin looked at Lu Ming, he also looked at Wei Junshan. "Although I don't understand why you two suddenly fought, it sounds like it's because of me..."

Gu Yixin used his well-developed brain to think for a long time but still failed to draw a reasonable conclusion.

"The first thing to make clear is that the current relationship between me and the two is still at the level of friends."

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