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Chapter: 14

The document stayed on Lu Mingshi's desk for three days.

Because the boss was in a bad mood recently, even the company's cleaning aunt dare not enter the president's office. After a few days, a thin layer of dust had been accumulated on the documents.

There was a high-level meeting on this day. The middle and high-level employees who did not dare to neglect came to the meeting room early. Everyone knew that Lu always cherished time. He would scold anyone late.

However, the time had come out but the only one who had not been there was Mr. Lu himself.

The beautiful and elegant female secretary apologized and told everyone that Mr. Lu was five minutes late due to an unwell condition.

"it's okay. No problem."

"Mr. Lu's body is the most important."

"We can do it ourselves."

Five minutes later, Lu Mingshi's tall body appeared at the door with thin meeting materials under his armpit.

There was a little flushing on his cheeks but the whole face was pale and thin. Looking closely, his cheeks were even slightly sunken. The sun made a faint shadow on his face.

His breath was a bit panting. His suit buttons were tightly buttoned, but...

The female secretary wiped her eyes. She didn't see it wrong. Did Mr. Lu actually have a belly?!

The female secretary felt sad for the entire fans of the company. Our idol betrayed us by having a beer belly without authorization!

Speaking of the recent schedule of the president, fitness was indeed missing but the frequency of going to the doctor was much higher.

Mr. Lu was really working hard.

It must be because he was so busy that he didn't have time to exercise, so his body became bad!


Lu Mingshi had indeed been very hard recently.

He didn't know why, his body's reaction was far beyond that of ordinary people who pregnant. His whole body was just plain uncomfortable. Since knowing there was an existence in his belly, he vomited in a mess every morning, midnight, and night.

Lu Mingshi's schedule:

Got up early and throw up once.

Threw up once after breakfast.

Threw up once after lunch.

Checked the documents in the afternoon then vomited one or two times.

Threw up once after dinner.

Threw up once before going to bed.

Threw up once at night...

-Nausea might come late, but never absent!

Chen Ma was excited as she watched the food that brought into the house came out with empty plates.

When An Qiao looked at Lu Ming, his whole body was getting thinner and thinner. An Qiao was worried.

An Qiao handed of small bottles to Lu Mingshi: "This is a nutrient specially developed for your physical condition..."

Lu Mingshi glared at the drugs fiercely: "The taste is too horrible, can't you adjust the taste?"

An Qiao sternly said: "This is the only way to be effective. If Mr. Lu doesn't like the taste, he might as well have a lollipop."

Nourishment was not a long-term solution. This night, Lu Mingshi was holding the toilet and vomited with tears. He never thought that he wanted this little punk born as soon as possible badly.

He sat on the indoor constant temperature floor, touched the unobvious lower abdomen, and muttered to himself: "Baby, your dad ran away and didn't want us. So behave well and stop torturing dad, okay?"

Before he finished his words, Lu Mingshi frowned again and covered his mouth.


He wondered how the look of his children.

Were they having supernatural power, not afraid of high, handsome, evil, maddening, and be the top city's vote of their ideal type?

Lu Mingshi had no idea.

With a wry smile, he turned on the faucet to rinse his mouth.

Small things might still be as big as a grape, but they rebelled so enthusiastically.

He had to endure it...


So where was Gu Yixin?

Lu Mingshi laid on the bed, curled himself up into a ball, yelled at the guilty man in his dream.


Lu Mingshi sat at the end of the conference table. He stared at the folder he had opened, lost in thought.

There was silence in the meeting room. Even a needle dropped to the ground could be heard.

Which one of the ineffective and fault work caused Mr. Lu's anger?

Or was the company facing a bankruptcy crisis due to major policy changes?

Everyone did not dare to move a bit. No one dared to look at the president who was trapped in his own world. They looked down at the documents in front of them with a guilty conscience.

If the eyes sight could condense into substance, the long mahogany conference table would have been burned out about fifty holes.

The female secretary was thinking about whether to remind the president that he was still in the meeting. Before that, she saw Lu Mingsi finally moved.

He opened his mouth blankly, closed the folder in front of him, and stood up—

Suddenly the chair clashed and the pages of documents scattered.

Everyone was fighting two battles in their mind. Afraid that the president would call them by name.

Lu Mingshi: "I have something urgent to deal with. The meeting is over."

The female secretary panted and followed behind: "Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, we have an appointment with an important client to talk about things in the afternoon. Look..."

"Cancel." Lu Ming got into the car without looking back and said to the driver, "How long will it take to get to County X?"

The driver was shocked: "One and a half hours."

"It so long." Lu Mingshi said to himself with a calm face, "Can't it be faster?"

"...Boss." The driver finally reminded, "You can take a helicopter."


He was the CEO. He could take a helicopter. Lu Mingshi thought that he had even forgotten.

There was no way pregnancy also affected IQ, wasn't it?

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