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Chapter: 49

Gu Yixin got a lot of trouble.

When they were filming, there would be groups of fans who came to see him.

It was okay if they were here just to take a look.

But they even dared to touch him.

Gu Yixin had never chased stars nor been chased, so he did not know some unorganized fanatic fan groups would exist. As a result, as soon as he walked over, those sisters-in-law took his photo and screamed "wow, he's cool". A very young girl even boldly stretched out her hand to touch him and burst into tears with excitement.

"I have touched Wumao Gēgē! Wumao Gēgē's skin is so good!"

With the brave warrior took the lead, the others rushed forward unbridled.

Gu Yixin was so scared.

Perhaps he and 'running away' indeed had an indissoluble bond.


It was naturally impossible for the girls to catch up with Gu Yixin by using two legs alone. But they had money, so they chased him by taxi.

Of course, it was very dangerous. So good kids should not learn this behavior.

Gu Yixin was doing parkour in the city. The taxi team hurriedly chased in the middle of a flurry of the traffic lights. At a red light, Gu Yixin increased his speed to scurry away. But as soon as the green light on, the distance between them was quickly shortened.

Gu Yixin ran to the construction site.

The construction site's project still hadn't started yet. Gu Yixin ran to the duty room, locked the door, and hid in the room.

Sure enough, a complete set of equipment hung on the wall exactly as in memory. Gu Yixin breathed a sigh of relief.


Five minutes later, the taxis of the fans wandered on the street in front of the construction site.

"Sir, I'll give you another 800. Drive back and forth on this road until Wumao Gēgē comes out."

These little sisters were really a group of ruthless people--

--still a group of rich people.

Gu Yixin finally walked out of the construction site. Since he was still a little worried, he smeared some black ashes on his face. These black and gray ashes were equivalent to Conan's glasses. Because of this Conan's glasses, even if you walked under their nose, they might not recognize you.

He was too good at disguising.

Not only did the edamame fail to recognize it, but his family also did not recognize it either.


Gu Yixin walked, but he was happy and a little puzzled. Why were these black ashes so powerful?

Even Lin Rui, who had ever seen him with his own eyes, didn't recognize him.

After entering the house, Gu Yixin first met Chen's mother.

Chen Ma raised the pan while watching the stranger vigilantly. "Who are you? What do you want to do? How did you get in?"

Gu Yixin. "..."

He hugged his head to avoid the cabbage leaves and oranges thrown by Chen Ma. He grabbed a sugar cane and bit it while introduced himself loudly.

"Chen Ma, I'm Gu Yixin!"

Chen Ma's eyes widened. But she kept throwing the fish roe sandwich, seaweed salmon roll, a large grilled shrimp, lettuce, and a box of Wahaha AD calcium milk.

I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My ChildWhere stories live. Discover now