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Chapter: 3

Gu Yixin finally got the job on the construction site.

Ordinary workers could earn 1100 yuan by moving bricks a day.

His energy was too much to use up. From 9.00 a.m- 3.00 p.m, so he could earn twice the salary of others.

Earning 2000 yuan a day was enough to buy two hundred meat buns.

Gu Yixin was no longer afraid of being hungry.

When Gu Yixin received the first week's salary of 10,000 yuan and his hot banknotes were in his pocket, he decided to go to a restaurant outside the construction site to have a good meal.

The price was very affordable and the portion of food was large. He would be happier enjoying the food if there was not a hot sight staring at him.

The owner of the restaurant vigorously looked at this little handsome boy who ate a yellow braised chicken and already prepared to eat for the eighth bowl of rice. Felt for the first time that his existence had value.

Over the years, Gu Yixin was the first person to eat her yellow braised chicken rice and even add another food.

It was not just one but up to the eight bowls!

What kind of spirit was this!

When Gu Yixin walked out of the restaurant, he had already eaten up to fourteen bowls of rice.

The lady boss was so happy that she not only refused to receive his money but also warmly asked him to come again next time.

Gu Yixin thanked the owner politely but insisted on paying.

He reached into the pocket behind his buttocks and took out his wallet, but there was nothing.

What the hell!

A shadow suddenly flashed behind Gu Yixin.


Before the boss finished her words, Gu Yixin had chased the thief out.


"Still not found him?"

Lu Mingshi's face was calm while speaking. Several black-clothed men stood in front of him with their heads down respectfully, afraid to face the boss's anger. "We still didn't find him yet."

"Have you looked for his old house, the residence of his former classmates, and all the Internet cafes in the city?"


It was so weird.

Lu Mingshi had a gloomy look on his face. The handsome features of his were hidden in the darkness, no one knew what he was thinking.

When Gu Yixin left, only Lu Mingshi's jacket was taken away. There was a wallet in it keeping bank cards to exchange for some money. After looking around the thrift market* in the city and personally asked it, no one had seen it.
T/L: Lu Mingshi talked about his branded jacket. We can sell it to the thrift market.

Credit card but no consumption record. Also, there is no cash in the wallet.

At his usual residence, Lu Mingshi personally searched it, and he found nothing but a packet of aphrodisiac.

Although Gu Yixin is a nanny in name, he didn't get paid. He also usually stayed in Lu's house without doing housework.

He doesn't have any ability to take care of himself and he has no money. Where can he go without returning to the Lu family?

Probably, the most precious thing in him was only his beautiful face.

Could it be...*
T/L: LOL, Lu Mingshi thought Gu Yixin find a job in kinda place like a pleasure house.

Thinking of a possibility, Lu Mingshi's face turned ugly.


Gu Yixin chased the thief up to six streets.

The thief was very good at escaping. Moreover, the sky has turned dark, made it was not easy to catch him.

The thief ran so desperately that he finally got into a nightclub with folk decor.

The name of this nightclub is called Night Club.*
T/L: Pinyin is 夜店, means nightclub

Gu Yixin finally caught the thief in the women's bathroom.

The thief was struggling to climb out of the window but was pulled back at his back  collar by Gu Yixin

The thief's tears stained his whole face and told mercy: "Big brother! I promise I will never dare to do it again!"

"Who the hell is your big brother."

Gu Yixin snatched his wallet back and decided to take the thief to the police station.

But when he walked to the door of the women's toilet, he realized that he couldn't bring the thief by himself or he would leave a trace and be caught by Lu Mingshi after that.

So Gu Yixin handed this man to the nightclub security.

Gu Yixin left the nightclub with awe-inspiring eyes from the security guard. He just only took a few steps when the small nightclub boss came to him and vigorously slapped his shoulders to Gu Yixin who was full of aura "get rid of an evil for the people".*
T/L: Pinyin is 为民除害

"Wait for the hero!"

The boss had something to say. "We still lack a security guard here. I think this strong man looks handsome and has extraordinary abilities. It's better to stay here."

The invitation of the boss was very sincere.

Gu Yixin was very moved.

So he began to move bricks on the site during the day and as nightclub security at night.

Earned two wages a HI and get two boxed lunches.

I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My ChildWhere stories live. Discover now