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Chapter: 48

After 20 minutes, the two men did a great job.

This wasn't imaginable.


When Gu Yixin and Lu Mingshi helplessly watched the contents of the movie getting richer, they couldn't help but suspect that the movie reviews they saw when they bought the tickets were fake.

Warm and delicate?

Advance step by step?

The relationship line progressed sweetly with cruel, all threads neatly tied up* and hit the point on the head**, with demolish writing with penetrating criticism***??
*sīsīrùkòu: (done) with meticulous care and flawless artistry.
**dòngzhòng-kěnqìng: have keen insight into matters
***It describes the thorough analysis and to the point.


This was obviously a long-term love. The story of a friend who turned into a lover!

The beginning is exactly after the event. The emotional rendering afterward was also incomparable.

Although the real py* part was not much, when the protagonists got along, the eyes of the two were intertwined and the tension of sparks was crackling in the air.
*explicit scene

What kind of serious artistic expression was this?


Gu Yixin was watching the film seriously while Lu Mingshi felt like he was sitting on pins.

One of the heroes in this story looked a bit like him. At first, when he saw the figure, he felt a little déjà vu. Even his silhouette and eyes were more a bit similar. Remembered the gaze of the ticket-checking girl before entering the door, Lu Mingshi fell into deep thought. At this time, the film had been running for about thirty minutes. After a slow flashback, finally returned to the cabin where the film started at first.

Two seniors and younger brothers who ganged up on campus, after graduation, embarked on two disjoint life paths. One entered the office building and became a 9 to 5 office worker, while the other rented a small shop and became a tattoo artist. The two who gradually lost contact after graduation met again at the zoo on the weekend.

The scene at the beginning of the movie was the day when an office worker who already missed the other one after their meeting, finally decided to go to that tattoo artist's place.

The excuse used was naturally to get a tattoo.

The light reflected on the big screen was sometimes dim and sometimes bright. Those lights were reflected on Gu Yixin's face, his eyes blinked slowly in the light.

His eyelashes trembled slightly, revealing a heart-stirring expression under the light effect.

Lu Mingshi glanced at the screen and his husband. After they sat, the heating in the hall was really turned on too high. The jackets were already taken off and thrown aside. The two of them were wearing thin sweaters, but still sweaty.

Gu Yixin pulled down the neckline of the white turtleneck sweater after a while.

Too hot.


On the screen, the office worker who took off all his clothes and sat on the bed looked back lazily at that tattoo artist standing by the window smoking.

He had a low voice, a little dissatisfied. "Why hesitate?"

The tattoo artist pinched out the cigarette, turned around, and came closer. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he brushed his palms across the familiar back, slowly moved to the direction of the bones under the skin. Thinking that he was still the familiar person.

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