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Chapter: 21

Two people ordered six dishes and eighteen bowls of rice. Among them, Lu Mingshi ate four bowls and Gu Yixin ate fourteen bowls. When checking out, Lu Mingshi finally successfully used his black card.

Gu Yixin felt the happiness of being nurtured. He was very touched. So he suggested that if Chen Ma didn't come tomorrow, he would come to treat him.

Lu Mingshi looked at Gu Yixin distrustfully. "What kind of dish you treat to invite me?"

Gu Yixin glanced at today's bill. They had spent a total of 8888 yuan.

Gu Yixin tentatively asked, "Does Mr. Lu eat yellow braised chicken rice?"

Lu Mingshi sighed.


After they arrived home, they soon took another bath. Lu Mingshi felt a little uncomfortable while washing. The child in his belly was tossing now. He didn't know if it related to being unused to eat outside.

After they lived together, his symptoms eased a lot. So this kind of situation had rarely occurred. But once it appeared, it became very dangerous.

According to An Qiao's suggestion, he must stay with Gu Yixin for eight hours a day. It also meant that today he had to think of ways to sleep in the same bed with Gu Yixin.

But what kind of reasons were suitable?

Lu Mingshi sat in the living room and was thinking hard.

After half an hour, Gu Yixin finished taking a shower, already dressed. His hair was still wet and dripping. He was only wearing a bathrobe right now.

He brought two cans of beer from the refrigerator.

He sat exactly next to Lu Mingshi. They both knee touched. Gu Yixin handed a can of beer to Lu Mingshi. Lu Mingshi wanted to say that he couldn't drink it but suddenly remembered what An Qiao said before. He could only accept it and thanked him.

TV showed commentary financial. Lu Mingshi was wearing soft home clothes. While they were sitting together, he was almost as tall as Gu Yixin. He opened the ring of the can but wasn't in a hurry to drink. He then put it on the coffee table. He was watching TV attentively while propping his chin.

Gu Yixin wasn't interested in this show at all. He raised his chin and finished the beer in two mouthfuls. After that, he found a large number of financial magazines under the coffee table. Gu Yixin flipped through the magazine. He was now a new fan of this kind of magazine.

While watching TV, he sometimes commented eloquently on issues about the stock market, the property market, and the economic situation. He suddenly got an idea.

Gu Yixin crushed the beer can into a ball and threw it into the trash can six meters away. He was about to get up and get another can. At this time, he heard the man beside him sighed deeply.


It sounded full of resentment, bitterness, difficulty, suffering, and crisis.

Gu Yixin looked at him.

Gu Yixin unconsciously asked, "Did something make Mr. Lu upset?"

Lu Mingshi was happy in his heart. This little villain actually still cared about others.

He pursed the corner of his lips with difficulty, "It's nothing serious."

You asked, asked, asked, asked again!

Lu Mingshi roared inwardly.

"Oh, all right."

Gu Yixin said in relief.

Lu Mingshi, "..."

Lu Mingshi immediately added, "I may be going bankrupt."

He watched with satisfaction as Gu Yixin immediately back to sit, with worried eyes.

Bankruptcy = no money.

After Gu Yixin quickly got this concept in his mind, he was really in awe of Lu Mingshi.

He didn't think it was scary to have no money. The scary was that the money was gone.

It was okay to have not much money from the start. The horrible was a person who was already rich suddenly met bankruptcy.

It wasn't just that, Lu Mingshi still be able to invite him to dinner with the cost of 8888 under such circumstances!

What such generosity!

This was the true gentleman manner!

Gu Yixin sniffed. He moved to hold Lu Mingshi's hand and said calmly, "Don't worry, I won't leave you so suddenly just because you have no money!"

Lu Mingshi's fingers a bit trembled.

Gu Yixin's palm was soft and a little bit hot. Even if this young man who had been in the Lu family for eighteen years had moved bricks for a month, there weren't still cocoons on his hand.

At first, Lu Mingshi only intended to pretend to cry under the guise of asking for comfort. It was best to take the opportunity to hug him when Gu Yixin comforted him.

However, Gu Yixin's eyes were full of sincerity. He was so touched by Lu Mingshi's adulteration. So Lu Mingshi couldn't continue to act well.

Lu Mingshi withdrew his hand and tried to act calm. "You can rest assured. You won't lose your salary."

Gu Yixin was even more moved.

Gu Yixin stretched out his hand to embrace Lu Mingshi's shoulder. He said comfortingly, "If you want to cry, I won't laugh at you."

He had already heard Hei Che's crying anyway.

Lu Mingshi's crying would never more frightening than Hei Che's crying.

Lu Mingshi secretly despised himself in his heart but still stubbornly did it as planned.


Before transmigrated into the book, Gu Yixin had read some novels on a mysterious website. Among them, many novels were written the interactions between the protagonist and his object in a fixed format in Fanwai*.

T/L: Epilog.

These kinds of questions and answers were called "One Hundred Questions about XX Phase".

There was such an issue, which impressed Gu Yixin deeply.

"If your good friend is depressed and says to you, 'I am lonely, so only tonight, please...' and ask ooxx. Will you do it?"

Gu Yixin lost his mind.

He suddenly imagined it, particularly because Lu Mingshi did something unpredictable that surprised him.

Lu Mingshi suddenly hugged him tightly and boldly asked...

"Can you sleep with me every day from now on?"

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