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Chapter: 35

The ambulance went all the way to the hospital. Gu Yixin as a caring friend also wanted to help Lu Mingshi registering in the humanitarian division. But Lu Mingshi stretched out his arm to pull his sleeve firmly.

"This is my hospital."

Okay, Gu Yixin thought, this big landlord and big bourgeoisie were different from us the proletariat. He was also relieved then accompanied him to the door of the ward.

Just as An Qiao wanted to say Gu Yixin could go in, Lu Mingshi stopped him immediately. After winking his eyebrows for a while, An Qiao understood what Lu Mingshi meant. So he shrugged and told Gu Yixin to wait outside.

Lu Mingshi smiled at Gu Yixin with difficulty. "Thanks to you today. I will pay for your lost work expenses."

Gu Yixin was a little unhappy after hearing this. He felt that Lu Mingshi was too polite as if Gu Yixin was such an unkind person, people who get into the eyes of money.

Was he such a stingy person?

Xiǎo Gu sat down and recalled his various behaviors then strengthened his thoughts. Diligence and thrift were a traditional virtue but he never reluctant to spend the money. He just was used to saving it than having unnecessary expenses and spent them in more worthwhile places. This misunderstanding... When Lu Mingshi recovered from his illness, he had to explain it clearly.

Inside the ward.

An Qiao stared at the value jumping on the instrument nervously, muttered, "It's over, it's over, it's over."

Lu Mingshi was a little scared by what he said. "What are you talking about? Is the situation serious? It's all my fault. I shouldn't fight impulsively just now..."

He clenched his fists while denounced himself.

However, as the mother's mood fluctuated, the embryo's value fluctuated more severely.

An Qiao quickly calmed him down. "Come on, relax, take a deep breath, take a deep breath... Then take a deep breath..."

Lu Mingshi felt a little weird after doing so, An Qiao said this like he was gonna giving birth. Fortunately, his mood slowly calmed down. The test results finally came out.

An Qiao breathed a sigh of relief. "Fortunately, because you did strenuous exercise just now so the embryo is a little unstable."

"Is the situation serious?" Lu Mingshi fixedly looked at him, very concerned.

An Qiao shook his head and nodded again. "I just think it's strange. You have been with your family recently, how could dangerous situations still happen. In theory, the embryo should be very stable, but now it seems that it is still relatively fragile. "

When An Qiao looked at Lu Ming. He wanted to speak more and then stopped.

Lu Mingshi was annoyed. "If you have something to say, tell me if I still can give birth. It's not like I can't accept everything that has been setting up."

So An Qiao assuredly asked the question he always wanted to ask, "Then you two...have you ever done it?"

Lu Mingshi. "..."

Lu Mingshi stared at An Qiao as if he was asking when he and Wei Junshan would get married.

Lu Mingshi tried his best to calm himself. "I am in this condition. What do you think?"

An Qiao was unbelievable. "So you haven't read the pregnant man's guide, right!"

Lu Mingshi."..."

It was over, he discovered it.

I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My ChildWhere stories live. Discover now