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Chapter: 16

Gu Yixin rushed out up to eighty meters forward. So fast like a speeding arrow.

He passed some cement-machines. Twisted his head blankly only to feel a gust of wind blowing past him.

This construction site was the largest in the county. It was not easy to get out of here. He took a quarter of an hour to finally reached the small gate. He was panting while reached his hand out to stop a taxi.

"Where to go?"

"Bus station."

How did Lu Mingshi know that he was here? Gu Yixin scratched his chin, puzzled.

There was also a little restlessness. Like he forgot something.

While wondering, Gu Yixin looked at the scenery outside the window as the car passed by.

Farmer’s market, kindergarten, dilapidated old shops...

This small county was very small. It took less than 20 minutes to reach the station.

Gu Yixin thanked the driver while got off the car.

The driver said anxiously, "You didn't pay the bill yet, brother!"

Gu Yixin touched his pocket.

Finally, knew what he missed.

He forgot his hard-earned money.

Gu Yixin asked the driver to drive the car back again. His salary was his life.

The driver parked the car on the side of the road. Gu Yixin repeatedly assured that he would come back to pay the bill.

As soon as Gu Yixin got out of the car, he saw Lu Mingshi standing in front of the gate.

His tall body looked a little haggard. His suit jacket was slightly wrinkled. He looked suspiciously at Gu Yixin who was running back.

Lu Mingshi started brainstorming.

Did Gu Yixin come back because of conscience?

That must be impossible.

Could it be because he knew something?

He had no idea.

Gu Yixin came back, probably because he couldn't leave. For example, forgot something important.

Reminisced about the situation when Gu Yixin ran away for the first time, Lu Mingshi got the point in his heart.

He lifted his chin and laughed. But the smile did not reach the bottom of the eye.

Gu Yixin's scalp tingled slightly when he saw at Lu Mingshi's smile.

No wonder he ran away when he saw Lu Mingshi.
There were good reasons for his running. The arguments were detailed and solid. There were at least three main points:

First, it was the world in a book. The ending of the original owner was very tragic. The tragedy was directly related to Lu Mingshi.

Second, when he saw Lu Ming, he would remember again that indescribable pictures in his mind. Based on the mosaic area that was automatically obscured by his brain and combined with the original owner's understanding of Lu Mingshi's personality, if he didn't run, he was afraid of his ending worse than the original owner.

Speaking of which, the original owner knew that Lu Mingshi was very vengeful. He still tried to provoke him. So blind of love.

Third, Lu Mingshi's missing persons notice. To find him, he did not hesitate to offer a reward of 20 million, which showed how much he hated him.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Gu Yixin sighed.

He said to Lu Mingshi...to the manager behind Lu Mingshi: "Boss, lend me one hundred yuan to pay the taxi-bill."

Manager's eyes blinked confused. His face was puzzled. He reached into his trouser pocket and took out the money. The manager painfully handed over a one-hundred-dollar, which was given by his wife to buy cigarettes for a week.

Lu Mingshi was a little surprised when he saw Gu Yixin went passing him to find the manager to borrow money. He suddenly felt uncomfortable inexplicably.

Very upset.

He stretched out his hand to block the manager's arm and snorted coldly.

Gu Yixin looked at him indifferently.

Lu Mingshi raised his jaw. He took out a wallet from the inner pocket of his suit. The black leather wallet was of good quality which could overwhelm people because of the luxuriousness. His elegant fingers opened the wallet.

This time it was Gu Yixin's turn to have a bad feeling.

Lu Mingshi opened his wallet and glanced inside. He obviously paused. He looked at Gu Yixin. Then he looked at the driver. At the same time, the driver looked expectant.

Gu Yixin couldn't say anything.

Lu Mingshi:...

He closed his wallet who had only twenty yuan in cash.

Expressionlessly, he pulled out the crumpled banknotes that the manager had not time to take back and stuffed them into the driver's hands.

"Keep the change."

"Please give me a change of two dollars and five sen!"

The two voices sounded at the same time.

When Gu Yixin looked at Lu Mingshi. Lu Mingshi stared back at Gu Yixin.

The driver placed the two dollars and five coins to Gu Yixin's outstretched hand. After that, he started the car and disappeared.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, the manager took out his handkerchief and wiped his sweat: "Boss, little comrade, I have to pick up the child from school. You two talk slowly."

The driver was gone. The manager also left.

Lu Mingshi folded his arms and narrowed his eyes, threatened, "If you dare to run again, I will make you regret to come to this world".

Gu Yixin looked left and right. He could run but he was 100% sure to be detained by Lu Mingshi. Not to mention his money was still in his dormitory, his salary this month had not been paid yet.

If his hard-earned money couldn't be taken away, so what was the point of running away?

Lu Mingshi snorted.

Gu Yixin glanced at Lu Mingshi's face. Since he couldn't run, for the time being, he had to adopt roundabout tactics to control the situation.

Gu Yixin took the initiative to greet him politely: "Mr. Lu is okay recently?"

It was better for him not to ask. When he asked, Lu Mingshi's bitterness over the past month filled his heart. The progesterone stimulated emotions so rich. It made him emotionally fragile. His eyes were red in an instant.

Lu Mingshi inhaled to suppress the soreness of his heart. Scolded himself because acted like a sensitive mother.

He coldly snorted, "...what do you think?"

What did you think?

The words were quite good for the starter.

Gu Yixin relaxed. He was really worried that Lu Mingshi would be too cruel the first time. If it happened, it couldn't be that easy to reconcile.

Gu Yixin said sincerely: "Then I can rest assured."

Lu Mingshi:...

Said it again?

I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My ChildWhere stories live. Discover now