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Chapter: 41

Gu Yixin couldn't laugh, his face was serious.

Lu Mingshi sometimes smirked with dignity when he was next to him.

Gu Yixin sighed, put down the magazine that he hadn't read a word at all, and glanced up.

Lu Mingshi immediately received the signal and leaned over. "Why sigh?" Lu Mingshi almost yelled out the word "husband". He put a lot of effort into keeping a smile and took the shocking words back.

"Lack of money," Gu Yixin answered honestly.

Lu Mingshi immediately took out ten black cards. "Swipe whatever you want."

Gu Yixin looked more serious. He put the black card back into Lu Mingshi's pocket. He said very seriously, "I can't ask for your money."

Lu Mingshi's eyes were dumbfounded. "Why," he asked aggrievedly.

I liked you so much, why didn't you want my money.

Gu Yixin called the door clear*. "Your money and my money, in the future will be the cub's money. Therefore, we are now on the united front**. Our goal is to make more money for the cub. So, if you give me money, it is equivalent to transferring the things in the left pocket to the right pocket." He took the black card out of Lu Mingshi's left pocket and stuffed it into Lu Mingshi's right pocket. "In essence, there is neither much money nor less, understand?"
*mén qián qīng: clearing in front of the door, in mahjong, as the name suggests, refers to not eating or touching the unidentified kong, all relying on oneself to draw the cards to play, and after the draw, the cannons played with others are the door to clear. A draw is not asking for help. Concealed bars are allowed in front of the door.
**tǒngyī zhànxiàn: an alliance formed by several classes or parties for a common political purpose. Such as the Anti-Japanese National United Front, the People's Democratic United Front, and the International United Front.

"So," Gu Yixin stood up firmly and said very seriously. "From now on, we must work harder to earn money and not let our children lose at the starting line."

Lu Mingshi listened to him in fascination.

Gu Yixin's settlement could be said to be seamless.

Lu Mingshi suddenly realized.

The husband was too responsible. Once decided to be responsible, he was simply the best husband in the world. Not to mention anything else, the goal of making money for the cubs was too passionate! Not to mention this, "We are a united front" was too sweet!

In order to feel this sweetness for a long time, he, Lu Mingshi, the richest man in the country under the age of 30, the king of the province, the father of the cub, and the person with the supreme wealth, even though ate yellow chicken rice every day, he had no complaints!

However, when Lu Mingshi really planned to eat yellow braised chicken rice with Gu Yixin, he was firmly held down by Gu Yixin.

"You have to eat something good. No matter how hard it was, you can't be suffering as a pregnant...man*." After a long while, Gu Yixin finally succeeded in changing the four tones into one, and solemnly said, "It's not about saving money."
*fū; fú: husband; man.

Lu Mingshi retorted, "Don't you want to save much money as you can."

Gu Yixin glanced at him. "I am not the one who pregnant."

Lu Mingshi could not refute.


After Gu Yixin came back, the fourth phase of Lu's new project had not started yet. Gu Yixin couldn't stay at home at all, he was anxious to go out to make money. As for the results of the selection of provincial model workers, according to the above voice, most of them wouldn't come out until March next year. Gu Yixin calculated that by then, Lu Mingshi would have taken maternity leave. Gu Yixin looked at his green cadre school completion certificate and thought that green things were really slow. He once felt that although the money earned by moving bricks and various part-time jobs was not much, it was enough to live. So he perfectly combined his hobbies and work by moving bricks part-time every day.

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