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Chapter: 27

Before Gu Yixin started to work today, he met several reporters for interviews.

"Hello, you have been very popular on the Internet recently. We would like to do an exclusive interview with you."

"Why did you choose to move bricks as your career?"

Gu Yixin said without hesitation, "Because moving bricks is my specialty and my hobby."

The reporter took a pen and scribbled in the notebook. The reporter continued, "So you choose the kind of job you want to work?"

Gu Yixin nodded. "It can be said like that. To be honest, I ain't picky in terms of part-time jobs. I have done part-time jobs in all walks of life, but I haven't ever be wavered about the main business. Yes. It is moving bricks. It will be my whole life practice and hobby."

The reporter asked in curious, "I wondered, do you ever worry about your future. I mean, giving up college will affect your future work. For example, lack of professional knowledge or one day you'll change your hobby? Will you decide to continue your study in the future?"

Gu Yixin shook his head. "No. My life direction is very firm. I can get happiness from moving bricks, find meaning, and make a living from it."

"In the end, further study is to get a job. Although getting a job is to fulfill life needs, but the most important thing in life is to be happy," Gu Yixin said in a very philosophical remark. "Since I am already at the end, why should I go through some exploration? For what?"

"Reading is suitable for those who haven't found the direction." The teenager smiled, dressed in overalls. "As long as you find the direction, just do what you want."

After the interview.

Gu Yixin already left, hid his merit and fame. The reporters and photographers looked at the young boy's back with awe.

The photographer picked up his heavy camera. He said in awe, "It's not easy, it's not easy. There is so much wisdom at a young age. This issue of the newspaper will surely sell well."

The reporter rushed to open his small notebook. "Last time it was the business edition, this time it was the social edition. I always have a hunch that one day he will be posted on the headlines of each of our sections."

The photographer thought for a while. "No, It's gonna be difficult. The fashion version and the entertainment version are easy to say, but the legal version and the sports version are very strict."

The reporter pondered. "Don't you think he can sign up for weightlifting? It is also possible to win a gold medal."

The two stood by the window. The photographer looked downstairs at Gu Yixin, who was able to easily carry a package twice as large as his body. He had to admit what his colleague said made a lot of sense.

"But it's still impossible to make a legal print..."

"Who knows."


Gu Yixin got home from work on time. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the three of Lu's Family, Mother Lu, Father Lu, and Lu Mingshi were sitting neatly at the dining table.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, they all looked up. Gu Yixin greeted them. He intended to go upstairs to take a shower, but Mother Lu grabbed his hand and pressed him on the empty seat.

Gu Yixin was confused. "Auntie, what's the matter?"

Mother Lu stared at Gu Yixin for a long time, tears gradually filled her eyes. She hugged Gu Yixin and howled. "Baby! Why don't you think about it again! How tired and hard it is to move bricks! How can your body bear it!"

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