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Chapter: 45

On the first day of joining the group, Gu Yixin's rate of getting up reached the lowest record. As always, he had been full of infinite enthusiasm for work. If he didn't want to get up, he wouldn't wake up. As long as he woke up, he would be able to get everything done in five minutes: went downstairs, grabbed a pancake, and went out.

When Gu Yixin remembered how he was short of money, he would suddenly sit up in a daze, washed his face and brushed his teeth while his eyes still closed, and then get on the 9102 bus in a daze. But today, his enthusiasm for going out to work has dropped to a freezing point. Life finally treated this young man ruthlessly who just wanted to move bricks.

Gu Yixin held the edge of the marble table with both hands. He was leaning forward, looking at himself in the mirror with a solemn expression. The expression on his face constantly changed. A shadow flashed in the corner of the mirror. That was Lu Mingshi who rubbed his eyes and yawned while went to the bathroom.

Lu Mingshi took off his pants and turned on the water without changing his face. He asked Gu Yixin, "You do not need to work today?"

Gu Yixin replied sadly, "I'm going to go."

Lu Mingshi nodded and walked over to wash his hands.

These two washbasins were very close. So the two were also very close. Gu Yixin tilted his head to watch the warm water slide over Lu Mingshi's slender fingers, then moved along his arm to his shoulder, and then fell to the bulging abdomen.

Lu Mingshi sensed his gaze and glanced at him suspiciously.

Gu Yixin sighed. He squatted down and hugged Lu Mingshi's waist then put his ears on his stomach.

"Baby." Gu Yixin said seriously, "Now I'm going to do a job that I don't like."

"I do this for the future. So you no need to do work you don't like."

Lu Mingshi watched the furry head lying on his waist, couldn't help but stretch out his hand to stroke it.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yixin turned his head immediately, with a forbearing and happy expression on his face.


Gu Yixin lowered his head and buried his face in his hands.

Lu Mingshi was a little confused. His hands were itchy, so he stretched out his hands to try again. This time he wasn't so lucky to succeed, because Gu Yixin was standing upright as soon as he reached the strands of hair.

Gu Yixin stood up, his face flushed.

Gu Yixin's reaction made Lu Mingshi feeling a little frustrated. He muttered in disbelief. "This is your sensitive point?"

Gu Yixin turned around and left.

Lu Mingshi watched him walk out of the room. He quickly took out his pocketbook and wrote it down.


Gu Yixin ate today's fragrant scallion pancake with three mouthfuls. Then rushed back to brush his teeth, after that he hurried out. Because he was running out of time, he decided to take a taxi with heartache. When he arrived at the crew, it was exactly half-past eight.

The production staff was preparing props. They needed to transport tons of sand from the transport truck to the studio and spread them on the ground before shooting in the second scene. Yes, the second scene was the scene that the male and female protagonist first met:

The female protagonist and the scum man played by An Luoyu went on a trip to the desert. During the trip, she suddenly found that the scum man was married when he was caught by a junior. So she went alone after beating the scum man but lost her way in the desert. Then she met a man who came out by car to relax.

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