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Chapter: 40

"I'm pregnant. Come back with me."

Very well, Gu Yixin faced a worldwide problem. He didn't know how many scumbags had cried bitterly when they faced the words of their original partner, repented and started anew* and returned to their families.
*Huǐguò zì xīn: express one's repentance and determination to turn over a new leaf.

...And then derailed* again.
*chū guǐ: the metaphor of speech and action is beyond the norm; cheating; affair.

However, Gu Yixin was not a scumbag after all and Lu Mingshi was not his original partner either.

So things would not go in this direction.

Gu Yixin glanced at Lu Mingshi.

Lu Mingshi stared at him unblinkingly, his eyes seemed full of tears as if it would immediately fall off if Gu Yixin said a word of rejection.

If the original owner was here, he would probably answer with heartbreak right away. After all, the original owner loved Lu Mingshi so much that he took the risk. He would rather give someone a drug and used a despicable way to get the body of his sweetheart.

The expression in Gu Yixin's eyes changed. He remembered the changes in the original Lu Mingshi. He was completely blackened for the shòu protagonist and eventually became the ultimate villain of the story. This showed that Lu Mingshi's set of personality always had the possibility of blackening and metamorphosis. The side he was showing now, Gu Yixin was afraid that most of it was because of the potential effect of progesterone.

So the question was if Lu Mingshi gave birth to a child.

After the effect of progesterone had completely subsided, would it turn to a major change in temperament?

Gu Yixin couldn't help but glance at the man's slightly raised abdomen. In fact, after he learned that there was his baby boy there, he had already looked at there many times, consciously or unconsciously.

This feeling was really strange.

Gu Yixin never thought that he would have a descendant or something. When he was very young, he already knew his orientation. Since he realized that he was a pure gay, he was fully prepared to cut off his line of descendants. It was not like many other gays that showed great interest in having offspring.

Before was transmigrated into this book, he was already alone. After was transmigrated into this book, there was no desire for blood kinship at all.

But now... everything seemed to be different again.

When Gu Yixin was thinking, his face was bathed in the backlight coming in from the window lattice. The golden spot of light stayed on the hair, which was breathtakingly beautiful.

He was like a God of love and a God of beauty.

Lu Mingshi quietly looked at Gu Yixin, waiting patiently for his answer.


The three guys outside the door had been eavesdropping. While listening, they took out two packs of papers and looked at the bottom in a while.

Mainly used by sentimental Bodyguard A.

"Uuuuuu, so touching! Boss must be happy!" Bodyguard A cried loudly.

While Bodyguard B choked, he helped Bodyguard A wipe off the nasal mucus that was running on his chin.

As a doctor who was used to big scenes, An Qiao couldn't help taking two pieces of paper and pressed them to the tear duct.

I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My ChildWhere stories live. Discover now