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Chapter 36:

The gurgling sound of water covered the exciting heartbeat movement. When Gu Yixin stared at Lu Mingshi's faint shadow, he was doing something beneficial to the great harmony of life. But Lu Mingshi knew nothing about it.

What was Lu Mingshi doing? He bent down and started to wash his face.

It was normal though.

But when he bent down, the home clothes he wore tightened and drew attractive lines.

Gu Yixin took a deep breath. He looked down at his own body, trying to discuss with his enthusiastic little brother*.
*you know what I mean, :3*

"Can you be good... You are too long if you go out."

Knew your place, ok?

The little brother stood up stubbornly, aloof and reticent.

Gu Yixin glared at it.

It also stared at Gu Yixin.

Gu Yixin slapped it down.

The little brother leaned aside and bounced back stubbornly, like a beautifully shaped tumbler*.
*bù dǎo wēng: a toy, shaped like an old man, is light and heavy, and can get up by itself after being knocked down; It is a metaphor for people who are sleek and unshakable.

After did it several times, Gu Yixin announced his surrender. Then he adjusted the shower to cold water,

The shower was adjusted to cold water, aimed at a certain place, and a burst of the shot came.


Gu Yixin shivered when out of the bathroom.

It was December. Even in the fully insulated villa of Lu's Family, he still couldn't stand the cold water.

Lu Mingshi, who had brushed his teeth and washed his face, was lying in the bed.

When Gu Yixin came out from the bathroom, his dental crown trembled. He rushed to the bed, lifted the quilt, and stuffed himself in. But the body was like a block of ice, so it was useless to tuck himself into the quilt.

He turned his gaze to Lu Mingshi, who was very calm beside him.

Lu Mingshi held a thick book in his hand and read it attentively.

He looked warm in his furry pajamas.

Although didn't know why these two people who were not lovers slept on the same bed every day. But at least, they were all in peace in one quilt.

Lu Mingshi didn't want to grab the quilt from Gu Yixin. Because even if he thought with his toes, he knew he couldn't grab it.

In short, now Lu Mingshi slept in a warm quilt, while Gu Yixin was in a cold quilt.

Gu Yixin who was laying on the bed shivered with the cold, caused the 2.5-meter bed to also swayed.

Lu Mingshi lowered his head and glanced at the pitiful appearance of Gu Yixin.

"What happened to you?"

Gu Yixin pulled out his arm from the quilt and put it on Lu Mingshi's wrist.

Lu Mingshi's warm skin touched Gu Yixin's cold arm. He got goosebumps instantly from the contact position.

This wasn't over yet. Gu Yixin's hands followed Lu Mingshi's loose cuffs in. The further Gu Yixin's arm went in, Lu Mingshi's body temperature became higher, and the temperature difference was getting bigger. According to the thermal conductivity, Lu Mingshi's skin quickly cooled down and Gu Yixin's skin quickly heated up.

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