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Chapter: 11

Lu Mingshi wondered why the f**k didn't you say it earlier.

An Qiao said that he would think about it for five more minutes.

After studying the paper for another hour, Lu Mingshi finally decided that he might have to find Gu Yixin.

Then put him...

Handcuffed him!

As a house arrest!

Kept him at home and slowly add...

Wait. Lu Mingshi: "How to supplement the energy?"

An Qiao: "This..."

An Qiao: "There are many ways. Some are fast, some are slow."

Lu Mingshi narrowed his eyes and stared at An Qiao with a warning not to cause trouble.

An Qiao laughed dryly: "According to the third law of Angmar in medicine, time and distance are inversely proportional... The current research results show that as long as two people have eight hours a day and keep the distance less than 50 cm, they can fulfill the baby's need."

Lu Mingshi pondered: "Eight hours."

When he was approving documents in his room, Gu Yixin was handcuffed, with a ball in his mouth, and curled up under his desk with red eyes and rubbed his calf.


Actually, there was some expectation.


Gu Yixin always sneezed these days.

On this day, as usual, he stood at the door to greet guests. Suddenly a luxury car that did not match this small neighborhood at all passed by.

The other security guard looked straight in awe, but Gu Yixin didn't want to appreciate it. He was troubled by the dust falling from the tree that made his nose was itchy.

"Ah, ah—"

The luxury car stopped in front of the door. Another security guard walked up very professionally to help open the door.

A handsome, dark-skinned man, stepped down from the back seat and strode forward, seemed like to be very anxious to find someone.

Three loyal men persuaded him while walking.

"Big brother, don't worry!"

"Big brother, sister-in-law must be fine!"

When the handsome dark-skinned man just arrived at the door, Gu Yixin finally couldn't hold it.

"Ah, ah, ah—"

"Ah sneeze!"

Suddenly, the unknown liquid splashed, and it all stuck to that handsome face.


The handsome dark-skinned guy stopped.

In the blink of eyes, his face turned pale instantaneously. In this case, 'pale' was interpreted as 'dark' in his face. His expression showed as if he was about to drive Gu Yixin to the west in the next second.

The two men next to him were so shocked and acted like crazy tigers. One frantically looked for a handkerchief in his pocket and handed it to Hēi-gē. While the other tried to clasp Gu Yixin's shoulder to make him apologize.

Gu Yixin immediately bowed in ninety degrees: "I'm sorry!"

The customer was a god. Seeing Hēi-gē's wonderful face turned into chaos, Gu Yixin was also a bit sad.

Hēi-gē took the handkerchief with a trembled hand and wiped the unknown liquid off his face.

Tremblingly, he raised his fingertips and pointed at Gu Yixin: "You, you, you..."

Calmed down. There was another something that more urgent.

Finally, Brother Hei took a deep breath: "When I already find Luoyu. I will remember to settle this account!"


After Hēi-gē entered the bar, Gu Yixin felt something was wrong.

The name of Luoyu was very familiar.

It seemed to be the name of the shòu-protagonist in the novel.

Then this Hēi-gē...

He should be the loyal dog gōng: Er Hei Che.

According to the plot of the original story, the shòu-protagonist An Luoyu and gōng Erhei Che grew up together in an orphanage.

The second gōng was the heir of the underworld boss who has been hidden in the orphanage. Silently always protected the shòu-protagonist.

The protagonist made his debut at the age of 18. As a little star with no background, he was often dragged by his agent to accompany him. During this period, he almost lost his life many times, because of his relationship with the second-gōng. Until he met the real gōng ...

Gu Yixin back remembered the plot. Suddenly there was a howl like a pig from inside the bar, followed by Brother Hei's scream full of heartache. Hearing this pathetic howl, it meant that it was already late, didn't it?

From the sound of howling, it was probably because of a random character who tried to violate the shòu-protagonist this time. After all, the genuine gōng of this novel will never make the protagonist in such an indecent wailing.

Gu Yixin patted his head.


Could it be that because of his sneezes, the second gōng was delayed for a while? Then the butterfly effect caused the protagonist to be ooxx by cannon fodder?

At this moment, Gu Yixin heard a cry inside, full of sorrow, and heartbroken.

Hei Che: "Hey...hehe...if it wasn't for the security guard who didn't have long eyes in the front door...how could An An..."



What the fuck?

He'd better run.

So Gu Yixin ran away for the second time.

I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My ChildWhere stories live. Discover now