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Chapter: 13

Gu Yixin had unplugged the TV socket.

The beeps came out one by one in the waiting room enthusiastically from people who were calling the hotline.

A once a tragic scene of him being captured flashed in his sight.

The people first called Mr. Lu's contact number collectively, because Mr. Lu was the most generous.



"The number you dialed is currently on the phone, please call again later."

Then changed to Mr. Lin, who was the second in honorarium.


Still busy.

"The number you dialed is currently on the phone, please call again later."


Gu Yixin suddenly understood. Everyone in this station was fooled because of themselves. There were at least three hundred people in this station doing the same thing. So the call would probably not get through within half an hour.

Gu Yixin pushed the belt buckle in one hand. Silently entered the ticket gate while everyone was busy making calls.

The rest of the passengers who stayed in the waiting room had imagined the rewards they got, completely forgetting what they had originally come for.

Half an hour later, someone finally could call Hei Che's contact number.

Hei Che who had listened to the voice coming out from the younger brother's mobile phone waved his hand. Twenty-eight black-suit younger brothers came into the car. By that luxurious, it looked so amazing. He deserved to be the only heir to the biggest gang in the city.

Hei Che said in his most intimidating voice: "Keep him not escape. Then the reward is yours."

"Don't worry, the man is right in front of me. Now, I am pulling his belt by the tail."

The chosen one happily hung up the phone.

He straightened his face.

The belt was still in his hand but the belt buckle was broken. Moreover, the belt now was tied with a slip knot and tied to the post.

Only Gu Yixin, who originally was in that position...




Gu Yixin held his pants tightly and got out of the bus. The first thing to do is buying a belt.

The small vendor is a 13 or 14-year-old girl, seemed a junior high school student helping the house after school. She was immersed in reading a novel.

"Little sister, how much is this belt?"

"Eight hundred."

Gu Yixin thought he heard it wrong: "How many yuan?"

The junior high school student raised his head, saw Gu Yixin's face, and changed his words: "Eighty."

"Eight yuan." Gu Yixin resolutely bargained.


Gu Yixin carried his belt and fixed his pants in the public restroom.

Get dressed then started to find a job. Of course, you still needed to find a construction site first.

This county town was in demolition and relocation. So the construction location could be found everywhere.

If there was a construction site, of course, it needed people to move bricks.

Gu Yixin was too happy while thinking about it.

He didn't plan to change his career in this life. He was so excited immediately returned to his old career in joining the team of the county's largest contractor.

Gu Yixin had much wealth experience in moving bricks. Before transmigrated, he had accumulated ten years of experience. With his unique strength, he soon became a star employee on the construction site.

Job-hopping was often accompanied by wage increases.

With the shortage of manpower to move bricks in the county town, Gu Yixin's salary also rose. Successfully maintained his income from the two previous jobs.

There were often other construction sites admiringly came to offer him the same job but the general contractor refused.

"The most important thing in our business is talent." The chief contractor explained, "As we all know, our construction site is the largest in the county. The largest construction site should monopolize the best talents in the industry to be a leading enterprise."

In the envious eyes of the major contractors in the county, the good employee·the brick mover·Gu Yixin passed by the window with his hands holding a giant package in which the size was twice his body.

No far from him, a thin young man named Xiao Zheng carried a medium-sized sack on his back. He walked arduously on the construction site path full of crushed reinforced concrete.

When he walked in front of Gu Yixin, he was tripped by the steel bars on the ground and almost fell into the churning cement pump nearby.

He thought he would end but he didn't fall. One hand pinched his collar neck and pulled him back before hitting the edge of the black hole of the machine.

The feeling of avoiding from dead was so wonderful.

'Great, I am not dead.'

Then his face paled.

'I may be choked to death by the savior...'


The moment the accident was about to happen, Gu Yixin immediately emptied his left hand to catch the worker like a magic-trick while still holding two large bags with one hand in his right hand. Miraculously, he stood sturdy without shaking.

All the contractors were dumbfounded.

"Such a talent should not be buried in our county. He should be recommended to the city headquarters and may be selected as a national model worker in the future!"


Looking hard for Gu Yixin, Lu Ming, who had fought against the rebel little guy in his stomach every day, had been anxious and emotional. A string of blood blisters appeared on his lips.

His employee suddenly came in with the reports that there was an outstanding employee with unknown origin in the county who possessed a matchless skill. The senior executives of the branch believed that the Pearl could not be covered in dust, so they determined to reluctantly give up their love. Hoped that the superior would appreciate and transfer the employee to the city headquarters as soon as possible to give the best development platform for his best employees.

Lu Mingshi waved his hand weak. He hadn't eaten well recently and he couldn't sleep well. There was no strength to manage these mere things.

"Put the materials on the table. You can go."

Gu Yixin didn't know anything about it. He still moved bricks silly and happily every day.

I Ran Away after that Rich Old Man was Pregnant with My ChildWhere stories live. Discover now