Chapter 11 - Sultry

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We have been seated here, on this rooftop overlooking Palermo, for over a hour. On the table in front of me stands coolers with the largest champagne bottles I have ever seen.

Vinny gave me a glass of it about half hour ago, but since the only alcoholic beverages I like are Bellini's, I am just sipping on it, trying not to to be rude.

I have noticed Luca's glances to my not-going-empty glass, but he hasn't been commenting on it. In fact, I have barely seen him drinking anyway. He is holding a glass with this dark amber liquid in it, but he hasn't really touched it either.

The amount of liquor I do not drink, does Emily do extra for me. She has been loving the constant refill Vinny had been providing, as they are chatting loudly together. Since I am seated in the corner of the sofa, I have been cornered between Vinny and Emily, and therefore do not have an other option but to engage in their conversation.

"Why is your glass not empty yet?." Suddenly Vinny directs his attention to me, and looks at the still full glass that is in my hand.

"I am not much of a drinker." I say shyly, and push a bit of hair behind my ear. A habit of mine when I feel nervous. Especially because not only Vinny's blue eyes are focused on me, but the intense ones of his brother as well.

"If she drinks, she only likes that sweet shit." Emily continues as she leans against me, clearly already intoxicated. "What's the name again?." She asks me.

"Bellini." I say softly.

"Well fuck." He claps his hands loudly, attracting a few glances our way, "such a good girl."

Normally I would have squirm in embarrassment, but it is Luca who is catching my attention, as he looks around and suddenly a waiter is standing the sofa. He mumbles something underneath his breath. The waiter quickly nods, and walks away.

Like our eyes are some magnetic field, his eyes immediately fall back on mine. I look away quickly, trying to not make it look like I have been watching him.

"You know, I actually want a man's opinion on something," Emily continues, which make me look back at her.

Vinny leans forward, clearly engaged in the conversation, "tell me sweetheart."

"Why is it that men are so stupid," of course, only when I take a real sip of my glass, she has to say something like that. I cough loudly, not expecting her to say anything like that.

My coughing has attract the whole groups attention, and everyone's eyes are on us. Of course, Emily doesn't notice or doesn't care, and continue her rant.

"Men are stupid?," Vinny test her words again, "yes, they are. I just do not understand why men treat women so horribly."

"Care to elaborate?." Dante suddenly speaks up, and all of the sudden it has become a group discussion.

Em's eyes flicker over to mine. Oh no. "Take Maddie for example. She is like this perfect girl. She doesn't drink much, she doesn't go out much, works hard, has this amazing body, and is caring and loyal. She is literally the whole package but...."

"Alrighttt." I drag out, already over this whole conversation already. I don't want to be the center of attention, "that's enough." I warn her under my breath, hoping she gets the message without making a scene.

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