Chapter 39 - Promises and secrets

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May 12, 2024


Dear diary,

Let me tell you about my day.



The morning sun filters through the velvet drapes, casting a soft golden light over the room. I wake slowly, my body still tingling with the memory of Luca's touch. The events of the night before play through my mind like a dream, but the warmth of his arms around me assures me it was all real.

Luca is already awake, sitting up against the headboard, typing something on his phone. His presence is commanding, even in this quiet moment. "Good morning, beautiful," he says, his voice still husky.

"Good morning," I reply, a shy smile spreading across my lips. His chest is bare, giving me an amazing view of his rock-hard six-pack.

He brushes a stray lock of hair from my face, his touch tender yet possessive. "How do you feel?"

I stretch slightly, feeling the soreness in my muscles. "A bit sore, but good," I admit shyly. "And you?"

He grins, a mischievous glint in his eyes, locking his phone and placing it on the nightstand. "Never better."

We stare at each other for a few moments, basking in the afterglow of the night. The room is quiet, save for the distant hum of the city below.

"Are you hungry?" Luca asks, breaking the silence.

"A little," I confess, my stomach growling softly as if on cue.

He chuckles and kisses my forehead before slipping out of bed. "Stay here. I'll make us something to eat." He is still naked, and my eyes immediately move down to his firm bottom, muscled thighs, and back. God, he is so fine.

I watch him move around the room, admiring the way the morning light accentuates his features. He slides on some grey joggers, and even in casual clothes, he's effortlessly handsome. He catches me checking him out and winks, a little smile creeping up his face, then he disappears into the hallway.

I take a moment to savor the luxury of the room—it's the first time I am seeing it in daylight. The high ceilings, the elegant furniture, and the breathtaking view of Palermo below. Such a big difference from my tiny apartment in London.

I lay back down on the pillow as the memory of last night creeps back in. The way Luca touched me, possessive but always gentle, the way his body looked above me, how he pounded into me, his enormous, um, manhood, the reason why it feels like I have been hit by a car, and god, the way he moaned and praised me. I don't know if anyone else will ever satisfy me after my experience with him.

Feeling a bit more awake, I decide to join him. I wrap myself in a silky robe, the one he bought me at the bougie lingerie store in Rome,  that I somehow find draped over a chair that is standing in the corner of the room, and make my way to the kitchen.

I wander out of the bedroom, feeling the luxurious plush carpet under my feet, and make my way down the floating staircase with its glass balustrades. As I descend, I am greeted by an open-plan kitchen and living area that exudes modern sophistication. The space is stunning, with high, vaulted ceilings and expansive, panoramic windows offering a breathtaking view of Palermo below.

The kitchen is a state-of-the-art masterpiece. Sleek, stainless steel appliances gleam under the sun rays. A massive island with a marble countertop sits at the center. The cabinetry is custom-designed, blending seamlessly with the minimalist aesthetic, and a built-in espresso.

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