Chapter 20 - Commander

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Luca's pov.


I've been restless, sitting here at The Dover restaurant. We've been here for about two hours, and it's around 10:30 when our deserts are finally served. Normally, I would have cursed about the delay, but I haven't had much of an appetite this evening. Throughout dinner, I've been nagging and extremely moody, barely indulge in any conversation, especially avoiding any interaction with that annoying, extremely talkative, blonde monster. I don't know how my brother hasn't lost his mind yet.

I know why I'm in such a shitty mood, though I'd never admit it to anyone—it's because of Maddie. The thought of her walking around alone at night with no protection drives me crazy. I should have had someone follow her. We always have bodyguards around us, some visible, others not so much. Should I have a team watching that dork's frat house? Then I'd know when she arrives and leaves. Maybe I should.

My cousin's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "Dove va la tua mente?" he asks in Italian, not wanting any other the us to understand. I meet his gaze, glancing around to see who's nearby before deciding if I should answer. The girls are gone, probably to the bathroom.

"Cosa intendi?" I reply in Italian, not wanting anyone to overhear.

"Sei scontroso," he states, trying to read my face.

"Niente di nuovo," I wave him off. He's talking nonsense.

"Più del solito," he presses, earning a glare from me. Fucker.

"Riguarda Maddie?" he asks bluntly, jumping straight to the point.

"Cosa c'entra Maddie con tutto questo?" I snap at him. "Basta, Dante," I warn him. It's the only warning he'll get before I back it up with action.

He glares, showcasing our infamous family temper, but he knows better than to challenge me. He nods and backs down. "Do you want to go out tonight?" he asks, shifting to English to continue the conversation.

I shrug. "Why not." We could look for some new pussy to take home. I need to fuck Maddie out of my system before I go mad.

"We could go to 'The Cuckoo club' We haven't been in a while," he proposes, then eyes Vinny, who simply nods in agreement. Vinny never says no to a night out; as long as there's alcohol and pussy, he's happy and down.

'The Cuckoo club' is one of the most exclusive nightclubs in London, owned by the Bianchi family, which means it's indirectly ours. We are the bosses' boss. The club is wild, with burlesque dancers, fire eaters, and pole dancers. The place is always buzzing, filled with the most gorgeous women. I have some of my best memories there.

"Alright," I agree. It's exactly what I need to get Maddie out of my head.

"Should we bring the girls?" Vinny asks, his tone casual. My and Dante's heads snaps towards him, as we glare as if he's grew three heads.

"What? Don't look at me like that," he says defensively. "Why would I throw away good pussy before I've even had it?"

I roll my eyes, is he really serious about this girl? I thought it was just to pass the time with, and glance toward the restaurant entrance just as the girls head back for our table. "Do whatever you want," I mutter to my brother, not particularly bothered by his plans as long as he doesn't get me involved.

As the little blonde devil, Emily, takes her seat, I notice a change in her demeanor. She has her eyes fixed on her phone, which keeps buzzing softly with incoming messages. What's going on?

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