Chapter 33 - Opera and revelations

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luca's pov

As I stare at this weird but mesmerizing creature, I've come to the realization that Maddie is dangerous for me. My goal had always been to get her in bed, but something shifted during our first date at my restaurant in London. Usually, women bore me within the first five minutes, and therefore I never felt the urge to spend more time with them outside the bedroom, but with Maddie, I found myself genuinely engaged in conversation. I wasn't putting up my usual mask; instead, I felt good letting my guard down, somewhat. It was then that I realized I liked Maddie—really liked her—and not just in a sexual way.

Maddie is different. She's the type of woman who can hold her own against me, throwing back conversation with the same intensity. Challenging me.  When we talk, it feels like I'm catching up with an old college buddy. There's an ease, a natural chemistry between us that I have never felt before.

I figured that after we fucked, my appeal for her would fade, so I wasn't in any hurry to get rid of her. That's why I surprised her with lunch, and took her out for dinner. I actually enjoyed her company.  So, when I overheard Brianna and that blonde devil talking to Maddie on the phone, saying she was alone this weekend, something didn't sit right with me. In a split second, my plans for the weekend changed.

I couldn't stand the thought of her being alone. So, I made my personal bodyguard -Federico, fly out to pick her up in London. I didn't have the time to fly out there myself, because I had a meeting with my father scheduled, so I send him. I trust him with my life, and therefor also with hers.

In one of our previous conversations, Maddie mentioned she liked classical music and had never been to an opera. That's how we ended up in Rome.

My plan was to woo Maddie with all my wealth and extravagance, but who was I kidding? While I was trying my best to win her over, she had me caught in her web all along. The way she looks at me is enough for me to give her everything she wants, and when she smiles... Mamma Mia. Spending time with Maddie had suddenly gone from a chore to a desire.

We're in the back of the Maybach S580. I noticed that Maddie isn't the slightest bit impressed by the luxury of it, unlike most women I know. Initially, I thought it was a façade, but I realized along the way that it wasn't arrogance—it was simply that she didn't care about material things.

Just like when I gave her that diamond necklace, her first reaction was that I needed to stop spending money on her because she wasn't comfortable receiving gifts. The most women I know would jump my dick the very instant, if I ever pulled out a diamond necklace, but Maddie is different. and that is why I told her that wasn't going to happen because, somehow, spoiling her brings me more joy than buying things for myself. I mean, what else is there to buy? I already own everything under the horizon.

As the car glides through the illuminated streets of Rome, Maddie looks out the window, her eyes reflecting the city's vibrant lights. "Luca, this is beautiful," she says softly, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

I smile, feeling a rare warmth in my chest. "Just wait," I say. "It will get better."

We pull up to the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, the grand opera house standing majestically against the night sky. Maddie's eyes widen in awe as she takes in the sight. Luciano steps out, and open the door for me, while Federico opens the door for Maddie. I step out first, then wait for her and then offer her my hand. She takes it, her touch sending a familiar jolt of electricity through me.

Inside, the opulence of the opera house stands even more impressing. I have been in this opera house countless of times over the years, simply because it's my mother's favorite opera house, and therefore my father always made us come because he liked to make my mother happy.

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