Chapter 38 - Under the stars

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May 12, 2024


Dear diary,

Let me tell you about my day.

*warning: sexual content. Skip if you do not want to read.

It is pitch black in the room when I awaken, the only source of light comes from the window, where the distant city lights of Palermo shimmer faintly. The house seems to be perched high on a mountain, offering a panoramic view that makes the city seem like a distant constellation.

I slowly open my eyes and panic rises within me as I fail to recognize the room I am in, but then I remember: I am at Luca's house.

But where is he? The spot next to me is empty, and there is no sign that anyone had slept there. So where is he? I which on the light that stands on the mahogany nightstand, and read the time on the clock displays—03:10 AM.

I pull the plush duvet off my body and step out of the bed, my feet landing on the softest rug I have ever felt. The room is expansive, with high ceilings. The walls are decorated with exquisite artwork, and the furniture is a blend of modern elegance and classic luxury. Very Luca.

The bed itself is a statement piece, with a sleek, upholstered headboard and high-thread-count linens. Across the room, floor-to-ceiling windows offer a breathtaking view of the city below, framed by motorized, velvet drapes.

I move through the room, my feet sinking into the luxurious rug, and glance around for any sign of Luca. The silence is profound, broken only by the soft whir of the home's ventilation system. I open the door slightly and stare into what I assume is a hallway. The corridor is illuminated by subtle, recessed lighting along the floor, guiding my steps.

I wander down the hallway, my fingers grazing the smooth, polished walls adorned with minimalist artwork and digital frames displaying a rotating collection of photographs. The floor is a sleek, dark hardwood that contrasts beautifully with the light walls, and my steps are almost soundless against it.

As I approach a door where light is seeping from underneath, I notice the gentle hum of what sounds like a distant conversation. I hesitate for a moment, my heart racing, before slowly turning the handle and pushing the door open further.

I step into a modern office, and my breath catches at the sight before me. The space is stunning, with high, vaulted ceilings and large, panoramic windows that offer a breathtaking view of the city below, glittering like a sea of stars. The walls are adorned with sleek, minimalist decor, and a large abstract painting hangs prominently behind a massive, dark wood desk.

To my surprise, Luca is seated behind the desk, engrossed in a quiet conversation on his phone as he is staring at his laptop. His fingers drum lightly on the desk's polished surface, his expression intense and focused. As I enter, his eyes lift to meet mine, and his expression softens, a flicker of concern crossing his face.

"Hey," he says softly, ending the call and placing his phone on the desk. "I didn't mean to wake you. Are you okay?"

I nod, still trying to process everything "I was just... why aren't you in bed?"

He smiles, but it does not reaches his eyes, and he leans back in his chair, stretching himself. "I had some work to do," he says, his voice calm but tinged with a hint of weariness.

"At 3 in the morning?" I ask, my voice a mixture of confusion and a hint of shyness.

He laughs softly, the sound warm and familiar. "I don't have a 9-to-5 job, Maddie," he replies, his tone gentle but firm. "Sometimes, work doesn't follow a schedule."

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