Chapter 4- Lovestruck

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William's house is massive, which makes sense given that it accommodates 15 guys.

Stepping through the grand Mahogany door, you are met with total mayhem. Also understandable because college students are not really known for their tidiness.

Every corner of this house is littered with the remains of last nights party; red cups, scattered bottles, empty pizza boxes— hopefully empty. I could never live here. The constant noise from 15 guys is far form the peace and quiet I prefer.

As we enter, I catch sight of some of his roommates lounging the couches. They give a nod as we pass by. I never really clicked with them, so I nod back and keep moving.

"The house is disgusting, Wil." I remark as he starts up the stairs.

He chuckles. "Oh come on, it is not that bad."

Not that bad? I am hesitant to touch anything, fearing the last cleaning was probably when they first moved in. The thought of the various and unidentified stains makes my skin crawl.

"I am serious babe." I persist. We have this conversation every time I come to visit him. I simply do not understand why he chose to live here. I mean, it is not like he cannot afford to live somewhere alone, and... clean. His parents told me that myself, when we went to visit them and I was complaining about the filthiness of this house. "I cannot see myself lasting here more than a day without losing it." My own place might not be perfect, but at least it's sanitary.

As we move deeper into the hallway, towards William's room at the far end— thankfully distant from the relentless noise— he responds playful, "luckily for you, you are here for less than 24 hours."

Wait, What?

"What do you mean 'less than 24 hours'?." I ask, closing the door behind us and lean against it. "We were suppose to spend the weekend together, remember?."

We had a whole FaceTime conversation about it 3 days ago. I was reminding him about the upcoming anniversary of my mother's death and how my emotions where all over the place. He was actually the one who brought up the idea of us spending the weekend together, to take my mind of things.

He looks surprised as he gets my weekend bag on the bed. "This weekend? I thought you meant next weekend. I cleared my schedule for you then."

"But what about now? I am here right now." It is not like the train tickets are cheap, and it is not like Will comes over to my apartment and hang out there. He thinks Emily doesn't want him there, which I of course denied but it is true. Emily tolerates him because he is my boyfriend but she has never been a fan of him. She finds him odd but then again, the guys she hangs out with I find odd as well.

A deep sigh leaves him mouth and shake his head. "I can't... I rescheduled everything so I could spend next weekend with you."

I cannot help but to feel the disappointment wash over me. It is always something.

"Hey, hey... don't pout." He says, stepping closer and lifting my chin. "I'm sorry. I really thought you meant next week."

"It's alright." I manage, masking my disappointment.

William is undeniably handsome, with his trust fund, excellent manors and charming smile, which most of the time makes me feel like the underdog in our relationship. My self-esteem isn't the highest.

"Let me make it up to you." He insists, closing the gap between us with a kiss. The kiss deepens quickly, and soon, Will lifts me up in his arms to the bed. As clothes are coming off, the temperature in the room rises.

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