Chapter 3 - Selfless

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From the outside, Huntsman might not seem like a large store, perhaps due to its narrow façade. However, this perception changes dramatically once you step inside. Upon entering, you are immediately greeted by an array of exquisitely displayed garments—suits, shirts, ties, and more, showcased in a way distinctly Huntsman's can. As you venture deeper into the store, its true size becomes visible.

The layout includes tables for client consultations, design spaces, and fitting areas. A staircase leads to the spacious, private fitting rooms where tailors craft some of the finest suits in the world. Tucked away at the back of the store is a cozy lounge area complete with a small bar, offering a place for clients to relax and enjoy a cup of coffee or perhaps a glass of wine later in the day.

At least once a day, the whole team tries to sit together in the lounge. To socialize with each other. Typically, there are about 7 to 10 people on the floor at any given time. This group includes our tailors, who primarily work by appointment. However, we also have 'ready to wear' specialists on hand. While they are still highly skilled, their expertise lies outside the tailoring process.

Our tailoring team comprises Krishan, Thomas, George, Kevin, Lisette and Gustavo, while our ready-to-wear specialists include Bjorn, Edward, Natasha, Yvonne, Martha, and Josephine. All our tailors and the male specialists are full-time employees, except for Kevin, who takes Wednesdays off to be with his kid. Most of our female specialists work part-time.

Then there are the store assistants: Emily, Chloé, Jason, and Fred. And, of course, there's Maria, who affectionately refers to herself as my "store mother." She handles the cleaning duties around here, but as Taj always says, she's the backbone of the company. I absolutely adore her.

This building is full of backstage shortcuts, which is fortunate because otherwise I would have to walk around the entire store to get from my office to the lounge. Now, I use a staircase located at the back of the upper level, bypassing the fitting rooms. For the first month, I didn't even know these stairs existed because the door is concealed within the wall.

Somewhere along the way, I lost track of Taj, who was likely swept away into one of the fitting rooms where George was holding a session. As usual, we try to sit together, but the reality of the overcrowded agenda appointments often prevails.

While entering the lounge, I find everyone already gathered. "Good morning," I greet the room casually, my words floating loosely in the air.

I pick up a tea cup that is already filled by Maria, who never fails to remember everyone's beverages preference. For me it is tea. I never really liked the taste of coffee.

"There you are, love," Maria beams at me, her smile as warm as the tea in my hands. "I was starting to wonder where you'd got to. Didn't Tasha mention Taj was around too?" She looks past me, but doesn't find Taj.

I simply shrug. "I lost him somewhere between here and the office."

Maria laughs softly, a sound of understanding. "That man never stops working."

"Are we ever?" chimes in Thomas, sipping his coffee with a smirk.

I nod, settling onto the large sofa between Maria and Edward. "Yes, and that's exactly what worries me," Maria responds, her tone tinged with concern. She always had a motherly worry for everyone here. "I fear one of you might end up with a heart attack. It's important to sit down and take a breath every so often."

Before I can reply, Taj enters, commanding the room in a striking double-breasted blue suit—a new addition, I noticed. "I do not pay you guys to take a breath," he announces, half-joking.

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