Chapter 45 - A chink in the armor

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Luca's pov

The hum of the jet's engines provides a steady, rhythmic backdrop as I settle into my seat, gazing out at the endless expanse of blue sky. Business awaits, and there is no room for distractions. The latest reports have been promising—operations were running smoothly, but complacency is the enemy. There are always threats, always someone looking to encroach on our territory.

My phone buzz. It is from my man back in London, the one who is in charge of Maddie's security team, confirming to me that they have eyes on her as she is sitting in her office. I bought the property on the opposite side of the street, that has a view of her office, so that my men have eyes on her at all times, I type a quick response, my mind shifting gears  back to the meeting ahead. My father called for this meeting to discuss some things important. Probably about the upcoming meeting between the five families. My brothers, Dante and probably Alonso will be there. Since he is marrying into the family, he will be included more. 

As the plane ascend, I can't help but replay the night I had with Maddie. Her laughter, her smile, the way she looks at me—it all lingered, I developed a strange and intoxicating obsession with her, but distractions are dangerous in my line of work. I have to remain sharp and focused.

Federico has ensured everything is in order for our arrival. A short message confirms our landing time and details about the meeting venue. As I put my phone away, I allow myself a moment to breathe, since it will be the last opportunity I have until I step into my bed tonight, God knows what time that will be. 

The plane touch down smoothly on the Sicilian runway. Mario, my driver, is waiting at the base of the stairs, the ever-reliable shadow. "È tutto organizzato, capo," Its all set up, boss. he says, nodding respectfully.

"Bene," I reply, slipping into the back of the waiting car. The drive to the estate is short, but I use the time to review the latest reports. Our operations are in good shape, yet vigilance is crucial. Federico hand me a dossier with the latest intel on our competitors. I scan through the pages, noting key points. Each rival has their strengths, but they also have weaknesses. It is my job to exploit those vulnerabilities while protecting our own interests.

As we pull through the gates, the sight of the family estate a far. We drive up the driveway and I exit the car, straightening my jacket as I walk inside.

The main hall is bustling with activity. Bodyguards wandering the hallway. I make my way through the hallway, up the stairs, my footsteps echoing on the natural stone flooring. My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I fish it out, seeing Maddie's name on the screen. A small smile tugs at my lips, but I don't have time to respond right now. Business first.

I find my father in his study, a room suffused with an aura of authority and history. Dark wood paneling and heavy drapes frame the space, adorned with shelves of meticulously arranged books and family portraits that chronicle generations of our legacy—built on power, loyalty, and unyielding strength.

"Luca," he greets me, rising from behind his imposing desk. His presence commands respect, a testament to a lifetime spent building our empire from the ground up. "Good that you finally found the time to show up."

Glancing at my watch, I realize I'm three minutes late. I mutter something under my breath and take a seat. My father's consigliere, Dante, Vinny, Sonny, and Alonso are already present, their expressions serious, the atmosphere thick with tension.

"Did I miss something?," I inquire, not understanding the tension in the air. 

My father wastes no time. "Before we start, I want to warn you, Luca."

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