Chapter 14 - Cab confessions

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May 2, 2024


Dear diary,

Let me tell you about my day.

"And then he said I needed to stop dating boys and go for an established man like himself," Emily continues to chatter, oblivious to my sour mood. We're in a taxi, heading home from the airport. Normally, you part ways with your travel buddy at the airport, but unfortunately for me, I'm living with mine, so there's no escaping her.

She's been endlessly talking about Luca's brother, Vinny, and she's completely obsessed with him. I know for a fact that he's a major womanizer, probably just like his brother, but she doesn't seem to notice or care. She's already started planning their wedding.

They went out last night after attending the Castellano family gathering, which I both skipped. I kept to myself for the rest of our stay, avoiding them like the plague, especially Luca. Emily told me he asked about me when I didn't join them, but I can't understand why he'd even notice my absence. I look nothing like the models he probably hangs out with, so why he cares that plain old me wasn't there is beyond me.

I spent my time soaking up the sun, mostly reading, but I also wandered through the beautiful hotel gardens and sat by the ocean. It was peaceful and exactly how I wanted to spend the day marking my mother's passing anniversary. I reflected on the memories we shared, both beautiful and sad. Looking back, I'm glad I insisted Emily go out. She wanted to stay with me, but I told her it was better for me to be alone with my thoughts. I had some things to work through on my own.

William still isn't willing to talk to me. We've been texting back and forth, but he's still upset that I went out without discussing it with him first. I feel so guilty for spending one-on-one time with another man, especially since it was not my boyfriend. I know I wouldn't like it if the roles were reversed, but I did it anyway. I couldn't help myself. Luca Castellano has a dangerous pull on me. His mix of a New York and Italian accent, the way he carries himself, and those mesmerizing blue eyes. His gaze makes me feel a way I never knew existed. That's why I kept my promise and avoided meeting him again. It's better if I simply erase him from my thoughts. The distance between Sicily and London isn't just an hour apart like Will and I are, and even though Will's nearby, I rarely see him, so I am sure I won't bump into Luca anytime soon.

Even though it was only a three-hour flight, the door-to-door travel time took a while. By the time the driver turned into our street, it was already 8:30 PM. I had planned to go straight to William—I don't like it when we fight—but considering the late hour and that I have to work tomorrow morning, I decided to surprise him tomorrow night instead. I know if I tell him I'm dropping by to talk, he'll come up with an excuse. William avoids confrontation and tends to evade problems. In the early days of our relationship, this aspect of his personality was challenging for me, but I've learned to cope with it. Ultimately, I'm sure there are things about me that he doesn't particularly like either. Relationships are all about compromise.

Bri had to extend her stay in Sicily because the final fitting of Sophia's wedding dress got postponed until earlier this afternoon. Wanting to support her friend, Bri decided to reschedule her flight for tonight or tomorrow morning; she wasn't completely sure yet.

"Maddie, are you even listening to me?" Emily's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, accompanied by a jab to my arm. "Ouch!" I glared at her and rubbed my arm.

"Yes, I am," I replied, stealing a glance at the driver through the rearview mirror. He smirked knowingly, heck all of us aware that I hadn't paid attention to a single thing Emily had said in the past 30 minutes.

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