Chapter 48 - A safe haven

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Hospitals have always been a strange paradox for me. They harbor some of my worst memories—bones being reset, casts being molded—but they also offer an odd comfort. To me, they signify a place where things get fixed, where order is restored in the midst of chaos. There's a strange familiarity in the pristine halls, the antiseptic smell, and the diligent routines of the staff.

As my body starts to awaken, the first thing I notice is that I'm in one of those places again. The air smells too clean, almost sterile. The sheets underneath me aren't overly comfortable, but they're not scratchy either. They're tucked around me with care, a sensation that almost lulls me back to sleep.

The distant beep of a machine punctuates the silence, a steady rhythm I begin to count. Even though I know I'm heavily sedated, my body feels like it's been hit by a truck. My eyes flutter open, and I stare up at the white ceiling. The brightness of the room makes my eyes water as they adjust.

As my senses slowly come back to life, I take a deep breath. There's a faint scent of cologne lingering in the air. It's subtle, almost imperceptible, but it's my favorite. I know it immediately.

I hear the soft tapping of a shoe on the tiled floor, a sound that sends a tingle through my body. It's not lust exactly, but a kind of anticipation. I already know who it is before I even look up.

Expensive Italian leather makes a very distinct sound. It's a sound that resonates with authority and control, a sound that belongs to only one person.

My eyes finally focus, and there he is, Luca, sitting in a chair by the window. He is dressed in a suit, telling me that he has flown in right from work. He is on his phone, and although I cannot see his eyes directly, I know he hasn't slept yet. As he types on his phone, he does not look happy at all. I can feel the anger rolling off of him even from across the room. I watch him as he pinch the bridge of his nose with force and sigh in frustration.

His phone ring. He checks it, but doesn't bother to pick it up.

I shift in bed, the movement small but enough to catch his attention. His head snaps in my direction, and in an instant, he's by my side. "Maddie, baby, thank God," he murmurs, relief flooding his voice. His hand reaches out, gently brushing a strand of hair from my forehead. The touch is tender, but there's a tension in his jaw, a barely contained fury that simmers beneath the surface.

His other hand grasps mine, holding it firmly yet tenderly. He suddenly leans forward, resting his head on our joined hands, the posture almost one of begging. "I am so sorry, baby. I failed you," he begins, his voice thick with regret and pain. "This will never happen again. You're safe now," he continues, "No one will ever hurt you again."

His words are a solemn vow, a promise forged in the fires of his rage and guilt. He sits up,his eyes locking onto mine with a fierce intensity.

I want to respond, to tell him that I'm okay, but my throat feels tight and swollen, making it impossible to speak. Instead, I manage a small nod, a gesture that seems to ease some of the tension in his face.

"I'm here," he whispers, both his hands now holding mine in a firm yet gentle grip. "I won't fail you again, Maddie. I am so incredibly sorry."

His apology hangs in the air, laden with emotion, making the room feel smaller, the walls closing in on us under the weight of the moment. The torment in Luca's eyes, the self-recrimination etched into his features, breaks my heart.

I try to sit up, but Luca gently holds me down, shaking his head. "Just rest for now," he says, his voice firm but tinged with a softness that betrays his concern.

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