Chapter 50 - The concrete jungle

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Luca's pov

The hum of the jet's engines is a comforting background as I watch Maddie like a hawk, my eyes never leaving her. She sits across from me, staring out of the window, into the distance, her gaze still haunted by the trauma she endured. Her eyes flicker over to me, as she feels my constant glances at her. When our eyes meet, I offer a reassuring smile, hoping to ease her lingering apprehensions.

"Comfortable?" I ask, my voice low. I reach across the table, taking her hand firmly in mine, rubbing over her knuckles in a loving manner.

She nods, a small smile gracing her lips. "I still can't believe you own a plane yourself," she admits, her cheeks turning slightly red.

I release her hand and lean back in my chair, hearing the familiar footsteps approaching. "It's nothing, Maddie," I say dismissively.

The flight attendant approaches, her demeanor professional and attentive. "Mr. Castellano, Ms. Wood, may I offer you some refreshments?"

I glance at Maddie, who nods. "That sounds great, thank you," she replies politely.

As the attendant disappears into the galley, I take the opportunity to admire Maddie. Despite the faint bruises that linger on her skin, she radiates a strength and beauty that always takes my breath away. I reach for her hand again, squeezing it gently, drawing her attention back to me.

"I know you will love New York," I say, my voice low and commanding. "It's a city like no other."

Maddie's eyes sparkle with curiosity. "What should I expect?"

I lean back, a smirk tugging at my lips. "A bit of everything. We'll be staying at my place, and you'll get to spend time with your friends. My mother and sister will also want to steal you away at some point."

Her expression softens, and she leans closer. "And you?" she presses.

"What about me?" I reply, intrigued by the determination in her gaze.

She looks down at our connected hands, her fingers tracing patterns on my skin. "Do I get to spend any time with you?" she asks, looking up with those gorgeous eyes that hit me like a ton of bricks.

"I will do my best to squeeze you in here and there," I tell her, knowing that the first couple of days I barely have a free moment to breathe.

Her eyebrows raise, and she withdraws her hand from mine, crossing her arms and making her breasts rise and become more visible. My eyes are automatically drawn to her more exposed cleavage. I bite my lip, feeling my dick twitch in my pants. "Those aren't my eyes, buddy," she says sassy, making my glance flicker back to her face. I raise my eyebrow at her. "Buddy?" I repeat, the nickname she gave me echoing in my mind.

"I had to do something to gain your attention," she says quickly.

I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees, my gaze intense. "You always have my attention, Maddie," I say, my voice dropping to a husky whisper. "Every single moment."

She blushes, her defiance wavering. I reach out, my fingers grazing her cheek, the contact sending a shiver down my spine. "I mean it," I continue. "You are the one thing I can't ignore, no matter how busy I am."

Her eyes soften, and she leans into my touch, her arms uncrossing. "I just don't want to feel like an afterthought," she admits softly.

"You are far from an afterthought," I assure her, my thumb tracing her lips. "You are my priority, Maddie. Business may demand my time, but I promise you, I will always find a way to be with you."

She nods, her eyes glistening with emotion. "Okay," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the hum of the jet engines.

I lean in, capturing her lips in a slow, possessive kiss. It's a promise, a reassurance that despite the chaos of my world, she remains at the center of it. As we pull back, I rest my forehead against hers, our breaths mingling in the intimate space between us.

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