Chapter 42 - Between love and duty

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Luca's pov

"Luca," Maddie moans into my ear as I kiss her up and down her delicious neck. The sound of her voice sends a jolt of pleasure through me, making it nearly impossible to keep my hands to myself. We're sitting in the back of my G-Wagon, parked at the runway. She's supposed to be on my jet back to London, but I can't let her go.

Her scent, a mix of her perfume and something uniquely Maddie, fills my nostrils as I bury my face in the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply. My hands roam over her body, feeling the soft curves and warm skin beneath her clothes. Her breath hitches when my hand finds the hem of her dress, slowly inching it up her thigh.

"Luca," she breathes again, her voice a mix of need and desperation. It's all I need to hear. I capture her lips in a searing kiss, claiming her as mine. Our tongues dance together, a fierce battle for dominance that I have no intention of losing.

Her hands grip my shoulders, pulling me closer as if trying to fuse our bodies together. The taste of her, sweet and intoxicating, drives me wild. I nip at her lower lip, earning a soft gasp from her. She arches her back, pressing her chest against mine, and I take the opportunity to slide my hand further up her thigh.

I break the kiss, trailing my lips down her jawline to the sensitive spot just below her ear. She shivers, her body reacting to my every touch. I love how responsive she is, how every little movement and sound she makes tells me exactly what she needs. "Luca," she says in a breath and tilt her head back slightly, concern filled in her eyes as she look outside the car widow, where the bodyguards are giving each others looks why we haven't emerged from the car yet, but there is no way they ever will open the door on their own. I won't hesitate to murder them if they ever act on their own, instead waiting on my command.

"Fuck them," I moan deeply as I take her chin in my hand and move it back to focus on me, "I can't let you go, Maddie," I murmur against her skin, my voice rough with desire. "You're mine."

She looks up at me through her lashes with wide, lust-filled eyes, her breathing heavy. "Luca, I need you."

Her words ignite something primal in me. I capture her mouth again, this time with even more intensity. My hand slips under her dress, caressing the silky skin of her thigh before moving higher. She moans into my mouth, her hips bucking against my hand.

The car is filled with the sound of our heavy breathing, the rustling of clothes, and the soft moans and gasps that escape Maddie's lips. I push her dress up around her waist, my hand finding the heat between her legs. She's already wet, and I growl in satisfaction.

Her head falls back, her eyes closing as I tease her through her panties. Her hands clutch at my shoulders, nails digging into my skin. I revel in the power I have over her, the way she melts under my touch.

"Look at me," I command, my voice leaving no room for argument. Her eyes flutter open, filled with a mix of lust and something deeper. "You're not going anywhere, Maddie. Not until I say so."

She nods, biting her lip, and I can't resist capturing her mouth in another bruising kiss. My fingers slip beneath the fabric of her panties, finding her slick and ready for me. Her body arches off my lap, a cry of pleasure escaping her lips.

I continue to kiss and tease her, my fingers working her into a frenzy. Her moans grow louder, her body trembling as she nears the edge. I can feel the tension building inside her, the way she's straining towards release.

"Please, Luca," she begs, her voice barely a whisper. "I need..."

"What do you need, Maddie?." I pull back just enough to look into her eyes, my fingers still moving inside her. "Tell me, baby," I demand, needing to hear the desperation in her voice. Her lust for me.

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