Chapter 6 - Rejuvenating

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After finishing up at work, I sent Emily a text to let her know that I'm free to join her and Bri for dinner tonight.

From: Emily Hill
What did the fucker do? Tell me!

The text is quickly followed up with another message.

From: Emily Hill
Bri and I just out of the taxi at Sketch, I'll let the host know that you are coming, x.

Thanks to Taj, who offered to drop my bags off at my place later, I am free to head straight to the restaurant. I only changed into a waistcoat. It is actually a design from Huntsman, and was meant for a client, but also the best tailors in the world sometimes make mistakes. So, luckily for me, it fits me like a glove.

It was the best option I had, especially since I hadn't planned on going out while staying at Will's place over the weekend.

Sketch was only a three-minute walk from Huntsman, so I decided to go on foot, hoping the rain would hold off a bit longer.

Sketch is a unique spot, with a jungle-themed room, UFO-shaped toilets, and the famously all-pink room.

Upon arrival, a hostess guides me through the bustling restaurant to where my friends were seated in one of the pink booths.

"There she is," Bri announced as she spots me. A smile spread across my face—these girls always make me happy, no matter the situation.

I greeted them with a kiss on each cheek. "This place is packed," I observe, taking in the lively atmosphere—typical for a London hotspot on a Friday night.

Dining out was one thing, but clubs aren't my usual thing; I preferred a quiet Friday night in with a good book, much to my friends' displeasure.

"Well, it's a miracle you came out tonight," Emily said, eyeing me intently. I had deliberately ignored her earlier text about William, and I know she is eager for details.

"How could I miss a night with my best girlies?" my tone laced with a hint of sarcasm. Turning to Bri, I ask, "How are you, babe? How was work?" I want to sidestep Emily's impending interrogation.

"Oh no, darling," Bri response, her accent a delightful mix of British sophistication tinged with Italian flair—a result of her upbringing here, and her Italian roots. Her pronunciation of certain vowels always brought a smile to my face. "We're starting with you tonight," she declares, her eyes challenging me, ready for the gossip.

I glance at my friend, Brianna Bianchi, and shake my head with a smile. Truth be told, I haven't known Bri for very long; we met shortly after Emily and I moved to London. She was in the same pilates class as us, and we instantly clicked. As I mentioned, Bri is Italian, blessed with gorgeous olive skin, deep brown eyes, and an infectious laugh that has a way of making everyone around her fall in love with her a bit.

Oh, and she's an incredible cook. She's been trying to teach me for months, but unfortunately, the small percentage of Italian heritage I possess apparently didn't include the legendary culinary skills that seem to be a birthright for all the Italian women.

"Yeah, what did the fucker do this time?," Emily interjects, eager to dive into the conversation she's been itching to start since she saw me.

I shoot her a disapproving look for her choice of words about my boyfriend. Sure, he's been a bit self-absorbed lately, but does that really make him a bad boyfriend? "He just got the weekends mixed up. He thought we were spending next weekend together instead of this one."

Emily snorts in disbelief and mutters, "sure."

I give her a wary look. "What? Those things happen, right?." I say, turning to Brianna hoping she would give me some backup.

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