Chapter 28 - Infatuation

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He looks at me, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards in a faint smile. "Not always," he says, leaning back in his chair, his arrogant and confident stance is back. "But it does seem to happen quite often. I think it comes with the territory."

I tilt my head, intrigued. "The territory of being you?" I test his words.

He chuckles, a low, rich sound that sends a shiver down my spine. "Something like that. People tend to fear what they don't understand. And I guess I've made myself into someone they don't fully grasp."

"And you're okay with that?" I ask, genuinely curious.

He shrugs. "It hasn't been boring so far."

Just then, the sommelier enters the room, "Good evening, Sir, Madam," he starts, standing at our table with a polished demeanor.

"Good evening," Luca responds smoothly. "A 'Tenuta dell'Ornellaia' bottle, 2001 preferably," he says with a skillful mouth, his pronunciation flawless. This man is so well-read and educated. To me, it sounds like a spell from Harry Potter.

The sommelier closes the wine list again and nods. "Excellent choice, Sir."

"Two glasses," Luca orders, dismissing the man with a slight nod. The sommelier bows slightly and leaves us alone again.

"I hope you like red wine," Luca says, his eyes softening as they land on me.

I chuckle shyly. "Oh, is that what you ordered?" His eyes dilate, and an endearing look flashes through them. "I had no idea what you just said," I giggle but stop when I notice the way he looks at me. It's almost like he's in a trance.

He leans back in his chair again, still watching me. "You're refreshing, Madeleine," he says softly. "Most people try to impress me or pretend to understand everything I say. But you... you're just..." He trails off, leaving the sentence hanging in the air.

I blush at his words, feeling a warmth spread through me. "I am just me," I say softly.

"Yeah," he murmurs, his voice suddenly much lower, laden with an unspoken intensity.

The sommelier returns with the wine, interrupting our moment. He expertly pours a small amount into Luca's glass for him to taste. Luca swirls the wine, inhales its aroma, and takes a sip. He nods approvingly, and the sommelier proceeds to pour wine into both our glasses before quietly exiting the room.

I take a sip, letting the rich, velvety liquid warm me from the inside. It's the best thing I have ever tasted. I look around again. "No bodyguards today?" I ask, my eyes scanning the room for any sign of his usual entourage.

Luca's expression shifts slightly, a flicker of something I can't quite read crossing his face. "Not tonight," he replies. "Tonight, it's just us."

His words send a thrill through me, and I can't help but smile and blush.

"I love it when I make you blush," he suddenly says, making me blush even more. I squirm and hide in my napkin that lays on my lap.

He chuckles, a deep, resonant sound that makes my pulse quicken. "Just like that."

Luckily, we are interrupted once again by the arrival of the first course. The table quickly becomes a feast of Italian delicacies—bruschetta, caprese salad, arancini, and more. As each dish arrives, my eyes widen in amazement.

Luca watches me with a satisfied smile. "I thought it would be a good way to try everything they offer."

"That's very generous," I say, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer variety of food. I start with a bit of caprese salad and some arancini.

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