Chapter 18 - Business as usual

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May 3th, 2024
Luca's pov.



In the dim light of the pre-dawn hours, as the sun had begin to rise, my driver navigate through the quiet outskirts of Palermo International Airport, arriving at a discreet edifice to the west. This building serves as the entrance reserved exclusively for private aircraft owners. Here, the procedures for national and international private flights were managed, though the security formalities were considerably less strict compared to commercial flights. It had been over a decade since either of us had set foot on a commercial flight—private travel offered the luxury of minimal security and maximum privacy. Just how we like it.

As I waited in the plush interior of our signature vehicles, the sleek black Rolls-Royce Phantom, I adjusted my cufflinks with a practiced hand. Concealed beneath my tailored suit jacket, my 'Magnum Desert Eagle' remained nestled in its holster. The car's door opens silently, the driver's movements fluid and silent— "Vorrei augurarle un buon volo, Signore Castellano," Mario, one of my men, says. 

I reach into my pocket, retrieving my sunglasses with a smooth motion. Sliding them onto the bridge of my nose, I turn towards our driver. "Grazie," I say simply, extending my hand for a firm handshake. I was taught to treat everyone with the same respect. Not that I always lived by that belief, but this man is alright. He is hard working and never gave me trouble in all the years he has been working for me, so I bless him with a handshake.

Out of the corner of my eye, I observe my father stepping out of his car, accompanied by his consigliere, Domenico Baresi. Domenico, our family lawyer and my father's most trusted advisor, follows closely behind. Wherever my father goes, Dom is sure to be at his side, a silent but important presence in all our affairs. Mostly family.

With four authoritative strikes, I stand at the entrance of our family's private plane, a sleek black Gulfstream G650 stationed mostly in Sicily but at our disposal across Europe. Owned by my grandfather, Vito Castellano, its jet accommodates up to 15 passengers. I exchange a firm handshake with the pilot and co-pilot before ascending the stairs into the jet.

Inside, a hostess greets me—a blonde with big tits, of course, tailored to my grandfather's taste in women. "Good day, Mr. Castellano," she purrs, her tone carrying a hint of seduction that I consciously choose to ignore. Not in the mood.

Ignoring her, I stride past and enter the lavishly cabin. There, amidst opulent surroundings of plush leathers, dark hardwood, and polished marble accents, I find my father, along with Dom, my brother, and Dante already seated.

Taking my place opposite my father, I acknowledge his greeting with a curt nod. "Buongiorno, ragazzo," he says, a nickname I dislike but acknowledge him anyway. I hold back the urge to roll my eyes. He would snap my neck if I ever disrespected him like that.

I settle into my seat, meeting his gaze. "Sei acuto?" he asks, his eyes analyzing my every move, a trait I've inherited from him. "SÌ? Perché non dovrei esserlo?." I respond back in Italian to him casually, as I fix the color of my shirt as I take my suit jacket off.

When he doesn't respond immediately, I look back at him, wondering why he is staying silent. He is watching me with intense eyes, "Concentrati, Luca." He warns me, and then continues his conversation with Domenico.

I'm on the verge of confronting him about his fucking behavior when the buzz of an incoming message interrupts my thoughts. Glancing down at my phone resting on my lap, I see it's a message from Dante. I shoot a quick glance across the plane at him; he's immersed in whatever he's reading on his phone, his expression unreadable.

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