Chapter 53 - A night above all

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Luca's pov

God, it feels good to be back in my city. New York, the city that never sleeps, has a unique energy that no other place can match. It feels like the city is alive, and it makes me feel alive too. Now that Maddie is here with me, that feeling is even stronger. Her presence makes me feel unstoppable.

Especially now I have her here and I know she's always under my protection, gives me peace of mind. I can focus entirely on the upcoming meeting with the commission. This isn't just any meeting; it's a gathering of the most powerful men in our world, The commission, though secret and often thought to be a thing of the past, still exists. It's the unseen force that guides the Mafia in the United States.

Many people believe the commission was disbanded long ago, just a piece of history. But that's far from the truth. The bosses of the Five Families, and also the head of the Chicago outfit, are real power players in this country, still make up the core of this secret governing body.

The meeting will be held somewhere this weekend, but due to the risk of having the entire commission together, the time and location will only be revealed an hour before. That was one of my father's ideas, a measure of security to keep everyone safe.

Leaving this morning was tough, and it's all because of Maddie. How is a man supposed to walk out the door when his naked girlfriend is running around his penthouse? Girlfriend... I saw the shock on her face when I called her that. I figured if I said it in front of someone else, she'd be too stunned to question it, sparing me the awkwardness of asking her to be my first official girlfriend. But of course, Maddie didn't settle for that. She's a feisty woman, always calling me out on my bullshit. That's one of the things I like most about her.

The morning sunlight streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a warm, golden glow over Maddie as she lay naked in my bed. Her hair fanned out on the pillow, and the way the light danced across her skin made her look like an angel. Watching her, I saw a glimpse of my future, a future that, for the first time, didn't fill me with dread at the thought of settling down with one woman.

Her laughter echoed in my mind, a sweet, melodic sound that never failed to bring a smile to my face. She had a way of teasing me that was playful yet affectionate, and the sparkle in her eyes was filled with pure joy and love. Those moments with her were enough to make me want to give her anything she desired. I wanted to protect her, to make her happy in a way I had never wanted for anyone else.

I knew I should be focused on the day ahead, on the crucial meeting with the Five Families and the myriad responsibilities that came with being the underboss of the New York mafia. But Maddie made it nearly impossible. Being around her gave me a rare sense of peace and quiet. Her playful spirit was a stark contrast to the relentless seriousness of my world, and it was a welcome, much-needed change.

The drive to my parents' estate was about 45 minutes from the city, and with the current conflict with the other families, we rolled in an entourage of 7 cars, each one packed with armed security. The tension in the air was thick and palpable as we sped down the highway, the engines growling in unison.

For weeks, my father had been pressing for increased security measures. He emphasized the need for vigilance at every turn, but I resisted, cherishing my independence. Having more people, aside from Luciano and Federico, shadowing my every move didn't sit well with me. However, the recent attack on Maddie had forced my hand.

"Where's your mind at?" Dante's voice broke through my thoughts. We were seated around a large table, waiting for my father and Lorenzo Moretti to conclude their discussion. Santino, Vinny, Alonso, Enzo, and I were all present, the atmosphere tense with the weight of our impending meeting.

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