Chapter 41 - Family dynamics

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Luca leads me out onto the terrace, the warm Sicilian sun casting a golden hue over the elegant outdoor space. The terrace is beautifully furnished with wrought-iron tables and chairs, each adorned with plush, soft cushions. Bougainvillea vines climb the stone walls, their vibrant flowers adding splashes of color to the serene setting. I take in the breathtaking view of the estate's gardens, the lush greenery stretching out before us. It's hard to believe this is someone's home. My childhood home is about the size of this terrace.

Just as Francesca mentioned, the rest of the guests are spread out over the large loungers. I easily spot Emily sitting next to Vinny, naturally the center of attention as she always seems to demand. Next to her is Brianna, nestled comfortably under Dante's arm. That's new. Opposite them, Luca's brother Santino sits alone on a couch, his expression unreadable. Their grandfather, as well as Sophia and her fiancé, are nowhere in sight. The dynamic among them is instantly warm and familial, yet there's an undercurrent of playful teasing that I can sense even from a distance.

"Don't listen to anything they say," Luca whispers into my ear, his breath warm against my skin. I glance up at him, catching the playful smirk on his face, but I can feel a slight distance in his demeanor, a reserved coolness that wasn't there before.

"Ciao, Luca, Maddie!" Vinny calls out, his mischievous grin spreading across his face. The whole group turns to us as we approach, their gazes full of curiosity and amusement. The atmosphere is a blend of welcoming warmth and the lighthearted mockery that comes with close-knit families.

As we walk closer, I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. Luca's behavior shifts subtly in front of his brothers. He seems more guarded, less openly affectionate. It's a small change, but I notice it. His hand, which held mine so tenderly earlier, now rests lightly on my back, guiding me forward with a touch that is almost formal.

"Hey everyone," I say, trying to sound cheerful and confident, even as I feel the weight of their eyes on me.

"Come join us," Emily chirps, patting the spot next to her on the plush, velvet sofa. I step away from Luca, greet everyone with a warm smile, and take a seat beside Emily. She immediately takes in my outfit, her eyes widening as she notices the diamond necklace and earrings. "You look beautiful," she says, her voice full of genuine admiration. "That's new."

My cheeks flush, and I glance at Luca, who has taken a seat across from me next to his brother, Santino. He is already watching our interaction with a calm, attentive expression. "Yeah, it is," I confirm, my voice a bit shy.

Emily gently grabs my arm, pulling me closer to examine the jewelry. "Is this real?" she asks, her tone a mix of shock and curiosity. I can see the thoughts running through her mind—1. because it's obviously expensive, and 2. because I'm not usually one to wear such flashy items. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but it's special to me because Luca gave it to me. Even if it were a ten-dollar necklace, I'd cherish it just the same. It's the thought that counts.

Luca interjects, his voice firm, "Is that even a question?"

Everyone turns to look at him, their gazes filled with curiosity and surprise, as if he's just sprouted three heads. Luca's brothers and Dante exchange amused glances. Vinny leans over to Santino and mutters something in Italian that makes both of them chuckle. "Cosa hai detto?" (What did you say?) Luca demands, narrowing his eyes at them.

"Ok, cosa sta succedendo? Prima la porti a una riunione di famiglia e ora le compri i gioielli?" Vinny asks, breaking the silence with a teasing grin. (Okay, what's going on? First, you bring her to a family gathering and now you're buying her jewelry?)

Santino chuckles, adding, "Da quando ti va bene avere una ragazza? Sei malato?" (Since when are you okay with having a girlfriend? Are you sick?)

Luca's eyes darken, and he growls, "Hai qualcosa da dirmi, bastardo? Speak English." (Got something to say, bastard?)

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