Chapter 24 - War of hearts

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The music shifts to a more up-tempo, bobbing beat. I follow Bri's gaze past me and see Dante and the girl all over each other. I take a big sip of my drink and jump to my feet, pulling Bri up with me. "Let's dance," I say, knowing it's the best way to distract her.

Suddenly, a strong hand wraps around my wrist. I look down and follow the arm up to Luca, who is sitting with a serious expression. "Where are you going?" he asks, his eyes lingering on my exposed leg, now at his eye level.

"Dancing with Bri," I reply, not understanding why it matters to him. Something flashes in his eyes, and his jaw clenches, but he nods and releases my wrist with a soft sigh. "Don't go too far."

I take Bri's hand and lead her to the dance floor. We step out of the rope barriers and move slightly into the crowd of people, but not too far. Now that I'm standing, I feel the full effect of the alcohol in my system. My legs are a bit wobbly, and everything is a little blurry, but I feel fantastic. The buzz of the music thrums through my body, making me feel free and alive.

"He is always watching you," Bri says, looking past me to something—or someone—behind me. I don't need to turn around to know who she's talking about. "I've never seen him like that," she mumbles, almost to herself.

"Let him watch," I shrug, moving my hips to the beat and throwing my arms in the air. "Let's have fun, Bri," Bri laughs, and I open my eyes to see her mirroring my dance moves. We're both enjoying ourselves, lost in the music.

Time flies by as we dance, the alcohol enhancing the beat and the rhythm. I shake my booty to the music, laughing and having a great time with Bri. We spin around, our laughter blending with the music, and for a moment, all my worries fade away.

After what feels like an eternity of dancing, I notice a familiar pair of eyes watching me from the edge of the dance floor. Luca's gaze is intense, his expression unreadable. I feel a rush of heat rise to my cheeks, but I don't let it stop me. I continue dancing, feeling more confident with each beat of the music.

Bri grabs my hand, twirling me around. "Thank you, Maddie!" she shouts over the music. I laugh, feeling the warmth of her words fill me with joy.

I notice Luca leaning over to Dante to say something, and then the both of them glance over at us. I look away just as I see Dante jump to his feet and walk in our direction. "Ladies, may I offer you a drink?" he smiles, stepping between us and gesturing back to the VIP area.

Bri eagerly nods. The poor girl is like a puppy when it comes to Dante, but I am not. I know this is Luca's doing, a power play to keep us under control. He likes to dictate how others behave and act. Well, too bad for him because I am not a sheep that obeys every order. I have my own opinions and will, whether he likes it or not.

"If he has something to say to me, tell him he can come over and say it himself," I assert to Dante. He furrows his eyebrows at me in feigned confusion, but the glint in his eyes reveals that he knows exactly what I mean. "What?" he laughs, opting to play dumb despite the clear understanding between us.

I shake my head, "I'm good. I've had enough to drink for the evening," Two can play this game. I politely refuse Dante. Like his cousin, his eyes darken, probably because they're not used to being told no. But he regroups quickly and flashes a charming smile. "A glass of water then. All that dancing must be exhausting."

I shake my head. "I'm used to it. I'll catch up with you in a bit," I say firmly, maintaining eye contact with Dante. I don't back down under his intense and compelling gaze. Before he can respond, I turn and walk further into the crowd. I notice some glances from people around me.

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