Chapter 9 - Fortuitous

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I was still reeling from my encounter with that handsome stranger as I wandered back to our room. When I reach the hotel suite, I scan the tag, unlocking the door.

As soon as I shut the door behind me and lean against it, Bri emerges from the bathroom wrapped in a towel. "Hurry up, before Em notices you haven't even showered yet," she urges, pushing me towards the bathroom.

I spent a considerable time in the shower, then quickly slip into some underwear and wrap a towel around myself before heading back into the suit. "Em?." I call out, not seeing anyone around.

"Outside," is her simple reply. I walk through the suit to the outdoor area, making sure to plug my phone into the charger. No way I am going out with a dead battery tonight.

Stopping in my tracks, I take in the astonishing array of beauty products spread out on the patio table. "What is all this?." I swear, the glam room of the Kardashians does not contain this many make up products.

"The essentials," Emily declares, already made up perfectly. Honestly, she could pursue a career as a makeup artist with how flawless she looks.

I roll my eyes at her enthusiasm but take a seat in front of her, "Do as you please." I mumble, not in the mood to have a fight with her.

Her face lit up, and claps in her hands excitedly, "let's get to work."

After what feels like an eternity, Em dramatically set down her brush and collapses back in the chair, "Pablo is exhausted." I know she refers to a scene from the 'Princess diaries' were the stylist gives Mia a makeover. I really need other friends, I know this girl too well.

"Can I take a look now?." I can't help but give her a bit of sass. After all, she banned me from seeing myself while she was 'working her magic', as she called it.

She narrows her eyes at me but then nods. "Remember, we still need to style your hair," she calls after me as I head back to the bathroom to assess 'her masterwork'. I swear, if she's made me look like a prostituée, I'm not going.

I flick on the bathroom lights and gasp as I catch my reflection. It seems like I have barely wearing any makeup, which is definitely not the case, but she's managed to make it look so. My skin is radiant, my eyes are highlighted with a subtle eyeshadow that makes my green eyes pop, and my lips are with a lightly red-tinted gloss. "And?." Em pops around the corner of the bathroom door with a smirk. "Looks amazing, right?."

I burst into a wide smile. "Yes, Em, you did a fantastic job." I have to admit it, because I definitely would have let her know if I disliked it, but that's not the case.

She beams with pride and nods, "I know. One of my masterpieces."

I've lost count of how many times I've rolled my eyes at her tonight. "Alright, maestro, and what am I supposed to wear, or wil this towel suffice?." I ask sarcastically.

"No." She replies flatly and turns away. "But maybe it will help you replacement for that idiot of yours." She mutters under her breath.

"What was that?." I give her a chance to recover from that. Is she going to choose violence today?

She dismisses it with a wave of her hand. "Nothing. Come on, I have the perfect dress in mind."

"Umm, shoes. We need shoes," Emily dashes around the room, for the perfect pair of shoes to go with my outfit. I look at myself in the reflection of the mirror. Emily has chosen a stunning deep red, satin dress for me. Although it's shorter and more revealing than anything I usually wear, it's tastefully sexy, not tacky. I've never been wrong about Emily's taste in clothes— she's much bolder than I am and isn't shy about showing some skin. Meanwhile, I tend to keep covered up.

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