Chapter 19 - Jungle chase

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Luca's pov.


As my polished leather loafer touched the wet pavement, I immediately felt the cold wave of water seeping over my feet. A deep puddle had formed where I had stepped, courtesy of the relentless rain that had been pouring since our plane touched down. I growl underneath my breath. I missed the fucking sun already.

Exiting the back of the car, I was immediately shielded by an umbrella held aloft by the driver. The precision and excellence we demand from our staff were clearly reflected in his actions; his timing was impeccable, ensuring that not a single raindrop stained my suit. I acknowledged his service with a brief nod.

Turning my attention to the surroundings, my senses heightened, I instinctively scanned the area. This habit was more than second nature—it was a critical skill drilled into me from an early age, a necessity in our line of work where the smallest oversight could mean the difference between life and death.

Vinny, standing just a few feet away, mirrored my actions with practiced precision. His eyes darted around, scrutinizing every detail of our surroundings with an analytical gaze. This hyper-awareness was a skill we all shared, a crucial trait honed over years of rigorous training and countless high-stakes encounters.

The street she lived on was simply horrendous, a glaring example of urban in a low to middle-class neighborhood. The dilapidated houses, cracked sidewalks, and the perpetual stench of neglect painted a bleak picture of life here. It's no wonder that the percentage of depression among the common folks in such areas has risen substantially, I'd be depressed too if this was my life.

I glance at my wrist, seeing my Patek Philippe Grandmaster Chime. Despite not being an Italian brand, it's a prized piece in my extensive collection. The time read 8:00 sharp, right on schedule.

The door flew open, and there she was—This angelic girl, hidden away in an ordinary neighborhood somewhere on the fringes of London. She could easily have ended up with one of the local louts, another casualty of circumstance, but fate had been kind to her. She found me, and I was determined to get her out of this dumpster. Even if she was to be just my side piece. Since I don't do the whole 'girlfriend' thing. Women are a man's weakness, and I wouldn't let anyone into my life unless I was prepared to walk out on them if necessary. So, I don't date. It's as simple as that.

"Hi, come on in," she said, her eyes quickly scanning the group at her door before she disappeared back up the stairs. I stepped inside first, catching a fleeting glimpse of Maddie's firm ass as she ascended. Unfortunately, she was too far ahead and soon vanished from sight.

I started to climb the stairs, immediately struck by how narrow the space was. I had to turn slightly sideways to fit through, my shoulders nearly brushing the walls. Reaching the top, I stepped into the apartment and took a moment to look around. The home environment often reveals much about its owners, but it gets interesting when there are roommates.

The living room was modest, with just enough space for a small couch and a coffee table crowded with books and magazines. To one side, a couple of plants struggled for sunlight in a tiny window. The scent of, what was it?.. Chinese take-out? Yes, the scent of Chinese take-out lingered in the air, mingling with a faint aroma of coffee. Maddie was bustling about, arms full of various items, as she darted into another room.

I felt the presence of my brother and cousin behind me, both of whom had to squeeze in close because of the limited space. The room felt even smaller with all of us in it, and I was acutely aware of their proximity. We stood there, somewhat awkwardly, sandwiched like sardines.

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