Chapter 44 - If he wanted to, he would

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May 16, 2024


Dear diary,

Let me tell you about my day.



"Luca," I giggle, watching him attempt to squeeze his muscular frame into the tiny shower with me. "You'll never fit," I tease, though he manages to close the doors behind him, his broad shoulders barely contained by the cramped space.

"Believe me, I will make it fit," he grins, his voice a deep rumble that sends shivers down my spine. His arms wrap around me, the limited space forcing our bodies into intimate contact. The water cascades over us, creating a steamy cocoon that makes the world outside fade. I can feel the heat of his skin against mine, and his low, throaty laughter vibrates through his chest, making me smile even more.

With a swift motion, he spins me around, pressing my front against his rock-hard chest. "Hi," he says, brushing my wet hair out of my face, his touch tender yet possessive. "Hi," I reply, tilting my head back to meet his intense gaze.

"I still don't know why you prefer this shower when my apartment's shower is the size of this entire bathroom," he says, his tone laced with a cocky confidence. I know he's telling the truth, but his wealth doesn't impress me. He knows that. I'm not that type of girl.

"I prefer cozy," I say stubbornly, raising an eyebrow at him in challenge.

His eyebrows arch in amusement, and a slow, wicked smile spreads across his face. He looks down at me, biting his bottom lip slowly. In one swift motion, he grabs my thighs and lifts me effortlessly, pressing me against the shower wall. His erection presses insistently against my thigh as he grips my ass with one hand, the other holding my jaw, making me look into his eyes. "Me too," he murmurs, his breath hot against my lips. "Do you want to know something else, baby?" he whispers, his voice a seductive growl.

All I can do is nod, my voice lost in the heat of the moment. But Luca isn't satisfied with silence. His grip on my ass tightens, making me gasp. "I told you, Maddie. Words. I need your words."

"Why is that so important to you?" I ask, my voice trembling with a mix of defiance and curiosity.

"Because, baby..." His eyes bore into mine, a challenging look that both intimidates and excites me. "I don't want to pressure you into something you're not comfortable with. I'm aware of how inexperienced you are, and you're far from the women I've been with before. I... care..." he says, the word sounding almost like poison on his lips. "about you."

I can't help but burst into uncontrollable laughter at his discomfort, and eventually, Luca joins in with a chuckle. "What?" he asks, his laughter mingling with a hint of frustration. "What is so funny?."

"You looked like you were about to throw up because you admitted you somewhat like me," I say through my giggles, making him join in my laughter.

"Are you laughing at me, Ms. Wood?" he asks, a playful challenge in his voice despite my face being pressed into his shoulder.

I lean back to look him in the eyes, raising an eyebrow. "What if I am?" I challenge, watching as his eyes light up with a fiery intensity and a wicked smirk tugs at his lips.

He shakes his head, chuckling lowly. "What?" I push, enjoying the game we're playing.

"That mouth of yours will get you in trouble," His gaze locks onto mine, his hand gripping my jaw with a rough yet gentle force, pressing me firmly against the damp shower wall. "You are not ready to see this side of me, baby."

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