Chapter 30 - The art of deception

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Luca's pov

"Fuck, man, what took you so long?" Dante jumps up in his chair as I walk into the cabin of the jet. I glance at my watch without responding—it's 5:10 PM, ten minutes past our scheduled departure time. My bad.

"I was busy," I say, taking a seat and pulling my phone from my pocket, doubting if I should Maddie a text, but decide against it.

He sighs in response, "Tell him that when he asks why we're late," Dante says, referring to our grandfather, who is hosting a close family gathering this evening. He's expected to arrive at 7 PM and demands everyone be there when he arrives. That's the kind of authority you command when you've reached his level in life.

I shrug my shoulders, "What's the old fuck going to do?" I laugh at my cousin, who also happens to be my best friend. "I'll deflate the tires on his wheelchair if he gets annoying."

Dante laughs and shakes his head, "I'd love to see that." We both know the man still holds enough power to kill me if he wanted to. You don't make it to see 100 in our world without being the most clever and ruthless motherfucker around. "Where did you take Maddie?" he asks casually, as the crew prepares for a quick departure.

"You know that building I was doubting to buy?" I decide to be honest with him. Dante is my right hand in family matters and my businesses, so he knows everything going on in my life. Once I take over my father's position, he's likely to become my consigliere.

He nods, smirking, "Yes? How did you get the owner to go along with your plan?"

I lean back in the seat, making myself comfortable. "Well, I called him and told him I would buy the property, and add another 2 million if he could arrange for his crew to set up a lunch there immediately."

Dante laughs and claps loudly, making the flight attendant, a blonde I've fucked in the past, jump. "You're pulling out all the stops with this one, huh?" The downside of having him as my business partner and best friend, spending every day together, is that the fucker knows me too well. He knows my moves, habits, and when I'm doing something out of character.

As the engines roar to life, the hum of the jet's turbines vibrating through the cabin. "It was just lunch," I say, trying to make it sound like it isn't a big deal as we both know I have never done something like this for anyone, let alone a woman. I glance out the window as the ground crew finishes their checks.

Dante chuckles, shaking his head. "Is she that different?." He suddenly sounding very serious.

I turn to Dante, thinking about Maddie. I still trying to figure out what the hell the pull it is with this girl. "The obsession will go away once I fuck her" I say gruffly, though deep down, I know that with Maddie, I'm not sure if one night will be enough to extinguish this unhealthy fascination I have with her. With every kiss, the need for her touch grows stronger within me.

"You're going to be late," Maddie says as I help her out of the car. Next to my G-Wagon, her petite frame looks even smaller. I like that she's small. I can't wait to throw that little thing on my bed.

"Your clumsy ass is going to break an ankle," I tease, eyeing her heels. I've noticed she's been wearing heels more often than when we first met. It's sexy how she's still way smaller than me, even in heels.

She narrows her eyes at me, and I see a spark of defiance. "I am not clumsy," she retorts, crossing her arms and pushing her breasts upward. My eyes immediately drop to the swell of her cleavage, and I lick my lips. I wonder what her nipples feel like against my tongue. "And I can walk in heels just fine, thank you very much," she adds with feistiness.

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